Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Trump says 'phase 1' China trade pact on track for November

ricky l
in 1 second
Posted on :- OCT 17, 2019

The crux of breakthrough in US-China trade deal - using "Phase Approach - Phase 1, 2 etc."

That could have averted a Global Economic meltdown into global recession.

Posted on :- September 18, 2019
ricky l
ricky l1 second ago
(1) If the final deal is difficult to achieve now - targeting interim deal will be another good option.

(2) The interim deal will serve as the foundation to negotiate for Phase 2 of the trade deal - if again the final deal cannot be achieved.

(3) And using phase approach to the trade deal - will be a more palatable negotiation approach - for a difficult trade talk.


ricky l
9 seconds ago
While the White House has said the "phase one" deal touches on major issues, Ross said the heaviest lifting remained to be done.
"The real question is, do we get to an early signing of phase one?" said Ross, who is not a member of the US delegation to the trade talks.
"Second, how far do we get toward phase two or two and three? Two and three are really where the meat is."

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