Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Mainlanders in Hong Kong worry as anti-China sentiment swells

By Julie Zhu

ricky l
1 second ago
(1) Once China investors pull back their investment and move back to Shengzhen, Shanghai or Guandong - then HK people employ by these companies will start to loss jobs.

(2) Once China mainlanders move back to China and China tourists stop coming to HK to shop - more HK businesses will collapse and more HK people will lose their jobs.

(3) Once China develop Shengzhen, Shanghai and Guandong to attract more foreign investors - many foreign investors will bypass HK and go straight to China mainland --- and HK will lose all its significance to foreign business and investors --- and these HK people will shoot themselves on the foot and left to rot.
  • Forest
    3 hours ago
    Yes, just go back where you belong and where you are most comfortable with, you can find a job in China of course, why come to take away hkongers jobs at the very first place?? Ironically, China's super rich paid hefty sums for their flats in hk pushing up house prices at an alarming rate, why?? Simple answer, they are not just paying for a flat, they are buying into hk's 'free' institutions. How can you mainlanders get so confused, you are supporting a govt. that rival your beliefs and desires??
  • JohnnyTwoTimes
    2 hours ago
    Shenzhen is doing better than HK...erm....going better than HK
  • Zach
    3 hours ago
    Communist China GET out of HK. You are not welcomed. Those coming to HK use to buy milk powder causing inflationary prices and affecting HK families. Do such simple issues cause many unhappiness. Just like mainlanders snapping up properties in HK like they are rich elites.
  • beidou
    3 hours ago
    British dog lee and some other developers drive up housing price by not selling and building enough. they even prevented hong kong gov from developing public housing. 
    Mainland people are more brave than this fake news like to portray. in fact many will not hesitate to get physical to defend their rights. as long you whack hooligans hard enough they dun dare do anything. maybe stab one or two if they dare throw petrol bomb.
  • Henry
    2 hours ago
    Suggest just let them rot on their own.
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