Monday, October 28, 2019

Hong Kong enters recession as protests again erupt in flames

  • ricky l
    in 1 second
    (1) Now HK protestors are reaping what they sow - by shooting themselves on the foot.

    (2) HK protestors by vandalising shops, business, travel, traffic, retail, air travel, public infrastructure ---- are in fact sabotaging their parents' livelihood and their own livelihood.

    (3) China don't have to do anything drastic on these HK protestors --- and just let let them destroy themselves.
  • Frustrated
    8 hours ago
    If any place on earth needs a recession it`s Hong Kong, a story ran yesterday that said a parking spot downtown sold for a million dollars.
  • Astro Boy
    5 hours ago
    “The programming staff union of public broadcaster RTHK said on Monday it had called on police to identify officers who "attacked and ripped the face mask” off one of journalist”. Wearing a face mask is illegal in HK now. Journalist who wish to report must report the facts and remain neutral. So what the £€¥¥ is the journalist doing breaking the law? Does wearing a reflective vest mean you can break the law? What gives a journalist the right to side with the protesters and wear a mask in contravention of the law. Let’s get one thing straight: being a journalist DOES NOT ENTITLE YOU TO BREAK THE LAW. You wear a mask and the police will put you in jail. Plain and simple.
  • Furterers
    5 hours ago
    So what's the end game for HK? China isn't going to let go, they'll just let it drag since it doesn't affect them directly. All the people of HK suffer eventually for nothing.
  • pope
    5 hours ago
    Good for them. Any country that overpriced n overcharged it’s citizens in everything just to be rich deserves the same punishment hk is going thru
  • JTC
    3 hours ago
    indeed historical. a country's recession created by rioters. one wonders if these rioters know the ramifications of losing a job, income and livelihood. do they know how much the ordinary citizens are suffering?
  • Guess Hoo
    4 hours ago
    Celebrate ya. You people ask for it👍👏👏👏
  • Kiri
    4 hours ago
    It's a sooner or later thing that PLA will enter HK.
    4 hours ago
    Can anybody tell me why HANG SENG is still holding so steady?
  • robin
    2 hours ago
    HK protesters are burning their own home. Serve them right. Nelson Mandela fought against apartheid without violence. Gandhi fought for independence with his hunger strikes and peaceful protest. But HK protesters have become terrorists.
  • Bee
    2 hours ago
    Does anyone know where Joshua Wong went?
    Is he still hanging-out with his friends in Washington or is he in the EU?
    What does he think about the recession?
    Has is publicly stated how to solve the recession crisis?
    Has he been rewarded with a scholastic position at Harvard University yet?
    So many questions …
  • Robert
    1 hour ago
    US sponsored terrorism.
    These kids already have way too much freedom and they don't even know it.
    If this happened in the US the rioting mob would have been neutralized in the first few days by the national guard.
  • Edric
    3 hours ago
    The joke is Singapore nearly enter recession even without protests and massive of foreigners still on going. LOL

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