Thursday, October 17, 2019

Hong Kong must accept status as SAR for 'one country, two systems' to work: Lee Hsien Loong

  • ricky l
    in 1 second
    Posted on :- 25 Jul 2019 07:01PM (Updated: 25 Jul 2019 07:15PM)

    Ricky Lim
    (1) In retrospect, these HK black protestors fail to size up the context they are in.

    (2) HK is part of China. China will not let HK declare independent - and this HK protestors fool themselves by demanding so.
    China will commit troop if these HK protestors force this agenda through --- this is the 1st moment of truth that they must realise and accept.

    (3) HK protestors demand that their governor must be elected by universal suffrage.
    But HK governor during British time are never voted in - they are appointed by UK.
    Similarly, the currect governor are "elected" by a group of committee (improvement from appointment).
    So to China - the protestors demand is excessive and unreasonable. ---- this is the 2nd moment of truth.

    (4) HK protestors must realise that China will gradually exert influence in HK from now and all the way until 2047 where they will then takeover.
    HK protestors must not be naive to think the China will not do anything - and come 2047 - take over in a "cold turkey" manner --- then start to infuse China mainlanders in, China system and law come in - and brawl will broke up ---- as the 2 systems are vastly different from 2 opposing ends. -- this is the 3rd moment of truth.

    (5) China will emphasize economy and social well-being like in the mainland --- while enforcing a less open system in politics, where China will put high priority in stability - political stability, social order and economic order - this is the 4th moment of truth that HK people must realise and accept.

    (6) If HK protestors fail to accept the above 4 moment of truth ---- the deadlock will continue and the protest will not stop --- until a stronger force come down to restore order.
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  • GreenHornet
    10 hours ago
    NTUC now starts looking into older PMETs unemployment issues? Can help the unemployed PMETs to get quickie jobs that match the market rates? i.e. not fresh graduate pay.
  • Self Pity
    15 hours ago
    Stop meddling in HK and there are more pressing issues facing many Singapore workers here. Will my jobs be stolen away! Will my younger generations able to have good jobs as government has no control on hiring process. It is really sick to work in company where there are more foreigners than locals in your own country. And there is no benefit to the locals here but to the government. So many are worried about jobs because cost is rising. But if we earned millions then who care!
  • Tong sham
    5 hours ago
    Singapore has adapted 2 system long time ago,
    PR better treat, local errr
  • my chi chi
    10 hours ago
    so the law misister now busy to making more servere law to prevent such hong kong situation?
  • Theforgottongeneration
    8 hours ago
    So he knows HK very well hor? But why he can't solve SG own issues like TFR for past 15+years, despite having full internal controls and even a self-incentive of million$ pay? He even has a million$ Manpower minister who proposed the solution is to make babies in small spaces - in closets, under the boss' table, in crowded train when there is a track/signal fault, etc ..... hor?
  • Hammer for Justice
    6 hours ago
    Who is this dishonourable son to advice HK to accept 'one country two rule' system while he himself is governing with 'one country MY rule' policy !!!
  • Poor singaporean
    7 hours ago
    They had made our next GeN more difficult and our young are the most pessimistic grp among SEA, that speaks volume here, no need kaypoh
  • M
    7 hours ago
    Singapore HDB also super expensive. By end of installment. HDB still belong to the government. Another word is just renting of HDB.
  • Pict
    4 hours ago
    As I have said, the CPF that build Spore will one day destroy Spore. Why? when you find your CPF is not enough to even buy a house and nothing or very little left for retirement even after saving all these years, you will face the same problem as HK.
  • Shangkar
    8 hours ago
    He is trying to make Singapore part of one great China
  • Gary
    8 hours ago
    Very soon, PAP will be the newest opposition party.
  • Rain
    9 hours ago
    I don’t think he is fit to comment on other ppl’s issue. He shld worry abt himself then others.
  • Kentiques
    4 hours ago
    Don’t try to show u are good PM by talking of Hong Kong problems. If Pinky Lee wants to be next Carrie Lam I can call China to appoint him. Singapore has more deep seated underlying social problems and discontent than HK. If not for the draconian rules and laws ( street protest for single person not allowed in Singapore ) , Singapore Lee Dynasty and PAP & cronies will not survive even one week whereas HK still under liberal democracy and allow street protests for 4 months
  • Pui
    8 hours ago
    Own family problem cannot settle. Still want to talk about country. LHL must accept his father's will too, to demolish the house.
  • Hoon
    6 hours ago
    SG PM is reported to have said "A flat that cost 22 years of income is not practical" for HK. Many residents here take even longer to service their HDB mortgage!
  • Brian
    5 hours ago
    So you are telling a people no matter what social and economics conditions a people is facing...just don't bring down a government ...don't humiliate a ruling you really wish singaporeans follow this advice
  • MarkVCJ
    6 hours ago
    The President and Prime Minister of a country should and must be voted in by the people not by the ruling party. That should be the practise in any democratic country. All these unecessary ministerial positions as emeritius ministers and minister mentors etc are a pure waste of tax payers money. It will only goes to show that whoever it is needing mentors and seniors are just not capable or even fit to lead.
  • SGfloods
    6 hours ago
    Leasing can say as ownership, Singapore has more severe housing problem..
  • Sima yi
    8 hours ago
    Mind your own businese. Thank you.
  • WRU
    6 hours ago

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