Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Beijing goes on attack, accusing US lawmakers of ‘sinister intention to destroy Hong Kong’

Sarah Zheng
  • ricky l
    (1) Joshua Wong and some of the HK opposition lawmakers - are directly playing into the hands of US lawmakers - to sabotage HK economy and sovereignty.

    (2) These HK protestors are directly killing themselves economically.
  • Forest
    6 hours ago
    Haha...that young protester in that video is so smart and added sarcasm to his remarks, clearly shows they outright reject Greater Bay Area 'opportunities' and want absolute nothing to do with CCP, he's virtually saying, you can all become no. 1 in the world but don't count us in, we just want liberty and rights.
  • Jerry Lim
    4 hours ago
    Study the history and see what US did in the middle east. US human rights, my foot!
  • Jerry Lim
    4 hours ago
    The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Bill was passed by US House of Representatives to pressure Donald Trump to sign and approve. They are making use of these idiots at HK for their own agenda. HK will always be HK and in years to come, even early than 2047, will be a useless city of China, period.
  • Cheep Cheep
    1 hour ago
    That's what she is good at and that is to destroy nations after nations. Look at Syria, Iran, Venzuela, Libya........ The world is starting to see the evil intent of this nation. Human rights is nothing more than other countries Human suffering!
  • Bobo Belmonte
    6 hours ago
    ch1nky considering making HK into total ch1nky - commies cheaters and losers
  • muthu
    8 hours ago
    Facking americauns will always be facking americauns!

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