Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Hong Kong flash-mob rallies erupt as anger mounts over shot protester

  • ricky l
    2 seconds ago
    With Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam seemingly unwilling or unable to find a political solution, police have been left to battle increasingly radicalised protesters.
    Sentiment is hardening on all sides.
    ricky l4 seconds ago
    (1) This is a total breakdown of law and order.

    (2) Wonder if this is not the right time to declare "Emergency Order" - then when will be the right time?

    (3) Emergency Order - prevent HK protestors from forming up through curfew - and make arrest at MTR, bus interchange, roads etc before they can form up.

    (4) HK protestors can be bold, radical and violent - when they form up in large group and overwhelm police strength.

    (5) Through Emergency Order - HK protestors can be arrested before they reach their form up places - and these will nip the protest movement at the bud.


    ricky l3 seconds ago
    (1) Emergency Order is proposed on 16 Aug 2019. (Posted on :- 16 Aug 2019 05:48PM (Updated: 16 Aug 2019 05:50PM) Ricky Lim (3) 1stly, Politicians must declare whether HK unrest - has reached a stage of total lost of control in social order - that warrant declaring of "State of Emergency".
    This is a political decision - not a police decision.)

    (2) Carrie Lam express she may declared Emergency Power on 28 Aug 2019. (Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam has not ruled out the possibility her administration could invoke emergency powers.)

    (3) Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam says she fears damaging city’s reputation further by invoking emergency powers to quell protests on 24 Sep 2019.

    (4) Now 1 Oct 2019 China National Day - violence escalate many fold....

    ricky l2 seconds ago
    (1) There are only 2 ways for HK Govt to end the violent and protest.

    (a) Give in to all the 5 demands by the HK protestors plus all future demands - surrendering HK sovereignty and governorship to the HK protestor.

    (b) Or Implement more effective measures to stop the protest movement and restore law and order - invoking "State if Emergency".

    Before holding National Dialogue to address:-
    - Economic grievances
    - Social spaces
    - acceptable political freedom

    (c) Come out with a Masterplan to address the Economic, Social and Political painpoints.

    (2) Only a swift decisive effective measure to 1st quell unrest to restore law and order.
    And 2nd step to hold National Dialogue.
    And 3rd step to coin a comprehensive Masterplan to address the 3 painpoints - economic, social and political --- can then effectively stop the HK unrest.

    (3) The current reactive, passive, laid back responses make matter worst.

    (4) Instead bold, proactive and forward looking response can turn HK situation around as it give hope to the current desperate HK people who rely on violent to get its way.

    (5) Bold, Visionary, Effective and Strong Political Leadership can make or break HK now.
    Relying on police strength to quell the unrest is a 下策。

    HK problem must be a political solution not a police-ing solution.
  • ricky l2秒前
    ricky l4秒前






    ricky l3秒前
    (1)建議於2019年8月16日發出緊急命令。(發布日期:-2019年8月16日05:48 PM(更新:2019年8月16日05:50 PM)林奇(3)首先,政客必須聲明香港動盪-是否已達到在社會秩序中完全失去控制的階段-必須宣佈為“緊急狀態”。


    (3)香港領導人林鄭月娥(Carrie Lam)表示,她擔心通過援用緊急權力平息抗議於2019年9月24日進一步損害香港的聲譽。



    ricky l2秒前









  • MalayaDog
    9 hours ago
    Until this HK Mafia Police is purged and replaced, no amount of Dialogue (Carrie Lam's) will change anything. The more brutal the Raptors (police unit infiltrated by PLA), the more radicalised the protestors to hit back at them.
  • thumbs
    3 hours ago
    Getting shot is definitely not right, and it shouldn't have happened. But the worst is getting the students and young teenagers involved in all this political matters, which in the first place, even adults are not able to agree on. This highlight the total failure of HK society, the education system, the people and especially all those instigators, and also, the lame government and the jurisdiction enforcer. Don't get those young kids and teenagers involved at all. This is definitely lead to long term aftermath very very bad effect of the future generations.
  • ricohflex
    6 hours ago
    Pat on the back for Hong Kong Police. You finally summoned up the courage to fire Live Rounds at violent rioters. Jimmy Lai, Joseph Cheng (a foreigner who is Australian citizen interfering in China/HK internal politics) and Joshua Wong should be arrested and detained without trial for next 3 years --- for exploiting young children to riot. They have committed child abuse.
  • Relax and Enjoy
    9 hours ago
    If in America, long ago already fired hundreds of bullets. History can prove it.
  • William
    4 hours ago
    What the frk is wrong with the Hongkies??????

    No laws in any democratic countries allow attack on security officers carrying out their duties. That act is a felony and is punishable by imprisonment.
  • Tian
    6 hours ago
    waste of time, one shot one guy. should use shotgun, one shot multiple bad luck people.
  • Relax and Enjoy
    9 hours ago
    Time to catch them and send them to China mainland for betrayal of China.
  • AI Trooper
    4 hours ago
    The police should use pistols and even assault rifles with live rounds to get rid of the evil ones.
  • Eddie
    3 hours ago
    The punk was not a "protestor". He was a "rioter" endangering the life of a policeman with a club. He got what he deserved.
  • Kim Fatt
    4 hours ago
    Activists stop using students and youngsters for your futile course. You the masterminds should be at the front lines. Parents of children must remind your children not to get involved in ridiculous demands and be used by those rotten activists who will save themselves first. Be smart and don't be conned . Study for your future

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