Saturday, October 19, 2019

Singaporeans should avoid non-essential travel to Hong Kong over protests in city: MFA

ricky l
  • now
    ricky lin 1 second
    (1) Very interesting reading - where Chile Presidents declare "State of Emergency" in just 1 day of violent protest in Chile - and Chile Army is given full emergency power to take control to quell the protest.

    (2) HK violent protest has gone on for 4 months with no end in sight - and yet full emergency power is not declared to quell the protest.

    (3) The West say nothing - to Chile declare of emergency power to quell the unrest.

    (4) But the West is quick to pounce on China and HK - eg. US is acting on Human Right and Democracy Act to sanction China and HK if stronger measures are taken to quell the unrest.

    (5) The West also say nothing when Indonesia, India, Spain, Thailand etc undertake stronger military and police foces to quell unrest ---- but undue attention are focus on HK.

    (6) So US and the West underlying intent to contain China development ---- is becoming very obvious.

HK should take a page from Chile - on how the President handle and quell the unrest :-
Chile unrest
Context :-
(1) The unrest started as a fare-dodging protest against the hike in metro ticket prices.
(2) At least 16 buses were torched and a dozen metro stations totally destroyed. All the 164 stations where many gates and turnstiles were destroyed.
(3) Protestors clashed with riot police in several parts of the capital and the subway system was shut after attacks on stations in some of the worst violence the city has seen in years.
(4) 133 people had been arrested for causing damage to metro stations, estimated at up to 500 million peso ($700,000).

Emergency Order measures :-
(1) President declared a state of emergency after 1st day of violence.
(2) President appointed Major General Javier Iturriaga del Campo as head of national defence, in accordance with the provisions of our state of emergency legislation.
(3) "The objective of this state of emergency is very simple but very profound: To ensure public order and peace for the inhabitants of Santiago,"
(4) The state of emergency is initially for 15 days and restricts freedom of movement and assembly.
(5) General Iturriaga said the military would patrol major trouble spots in the city of seven million but would not impose a curfew at present.
"We are not going to restrict any personal freedom for now,"
  • WM
    15 hours ago
    Looks like the final showdown is approaching.
    Don't get caught in the ensuing battle.
    Avoid HK until law and order is restored.
  • Anon
    15 hours ago
    "Singaporeans should defer non-essential travel to Hong Kong"

    More so now, after LHL opened his big mouth....
  • HidupSusah
    9 hours ago
    How many know China even able to protect North Korea about 70 years ago in 1950's Korean War ? China able to help North Korea from being liberated by coalition army led by USA...

    In 1990, China's GDP was out of 10 position among the world economies.....Today, China is world's 2nd largest economy closely behind USA....How can USA not be afraid and targeting China ?

    Without China, USA will be able to stay as world's No 1 GDP for at least another 100 years....
    19 hours ago
    Hong Kong is still ok, because there is still mighty China behind the territory. The US will not be able to do a lot of damages.

    How about Singapore then? What would happen to us if the US takes Singapore as its next target?

    Remind you, we have a huge population of bananas who think that they are more high-class then the rest of Singaporeans.

    Ha ha ha!
  • Pui
    18 hours ago
    Isn't it obvious?
  • Forest
    6 hours ago
    Should go and support..singing in the mall, don't forget go by CP Airlines, everything going cheap, 5 star hotels etc. don't missed out ie. avoid the clashes.
  • dotter
    7 hours ago
    Why avoid, can watch the biggest hk "movie" ever produced up close
  • Kim fat boy
    6 hours ago
    Hong Kong need a King Kong to be liberated from the communist.
  • Ngiam
    7 hours ago
    Well done HK, using violence to exchange for freedom. Do u think they will get it.?
  • GreenHornet
    16 hours ago
    scared pple go there to join as fun. LOL
  • DanK
    6 hours ago
    Best time to go now. Cheap, cheap, cheap.
  • Eugene
    3 hours ago
    Huh !? Nothing to report is it ? It's so obvious
    By dylanholyhellobrien on 
  • pkh
    17 hours ago
    those in HK, please don't speak Mandarin on the don't know what is going to happen, someone might attack you from behind.
  • Lenard
    2 hours ago
    Can share
  • SGfloods
    2 hours ago
    Maybe scare you go there to learn how to carry out full scale street protest XD
  • LollieLOL
    2 hours ago
    I never like visiting Hong Kong anyway. The last time in 1997 already given me a lousy impression. The service attitude is even worse than here in Singapore. Very rude and blunt
  • Ee
    9 hours ago
    They will be ok as long they support the HK demonstrators
  • Breeke
    16 hours ago
    Face mask ban was an exceptionally dumb move. Was Lam actually expecting the protesters to respect her authority?
  • Ee
    6 hours ago
    Outcast the lousy incompetent HK govt. Let the competent protestors run the HK system. No 2 way style. One system One hk

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