We've never asked Govt to let us demolish 38 Oxley Road house now: Lee Hsien Yang
In a Facebook post, Mr Lee Hsien Yang said that he and Dr Lee Wei Ling had suggested that the house be demolished after Dr Lee's departure and a memorial garden be built in his place but their brother, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, rejected the offer.
(Updated: )
Kelvin Leow ·
National interest vs personal gains ?
Christopher Bong ·
Is it national interest or PAP's interest to go against a dead man's wish. Majority of Singaporeans support the demolition of the house.
Siewwah Woo
Ricky Lim ·
My whole family members vote to preserve.
Oxley House is our Singapore Heritage - that will benefit tremendously for Singapore future descendants.
Once it is demolish, everything is gone.
It is better to preserve and keep this piece of treasure - and share it with our future descendants.
Oxley House is our Singapore Heritage - that will benefit tremendously for Singapore future descendants.
Once it is demolish, everything is gone.
It is better to preserve and keep this piece of treasure - and share it with our future descendants.
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Ricky Lim ·
It will take another miracle - almost impossible - to produce another Great Man like Mr Lee Kuan Yew.
If we make the mistake of demolishing Oxley House - it is as good as demolishing the very core of Mr Lee Kuan Yew's Heritage.
If we make the mistake of demolishing Oxley House - it is as good as demolishing the very core of Mr Lee Kuan Yew's Heritage.
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Ricky Lim ·
In fact, as a Filial Son - the preserving of this ery core of Mr Lee Kuan Yew's Heritage - the real memory of Mr Lee Kuan Yew and his contribution to Singapore's birth, survival and our continuing thriving that come from Oxley House ---- is worth defending --- even to the point of not complying to option (1) of Mr Lee Kuan Yew's wish to demolish --- but fulfilling Mr Lee Kuan Yew's option (2) of preserving with attached conditions.
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Ricky Lim ·
Ha Ha Ha --- while typing the "very core of Mr Lee Kuan Yew's Heritage" = some "ery" things happen.
"v" mysteriously disappear.
Seems like the "unseen" has spoken .................................. in agreement ....................
"v" mysteriously disappear.
Seems like the "unseen" has spoken .................................. in agreement ....................
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Wei Foo
did Indranee come to the conclusion that LHY and LWL wanted immediate
commitment on demolition when both of them didn't even want a committee
to be formed?
Ricky Lim ·
You think Mr Lee HY and Ms LWL are emperor or empress over and above a democratically elected Government?
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Ricky Lim ·
Wei Foo - Mr LHY and Ms LWL are not above the law.
If Preservation law override private will, then as citizens Mr LHY and Ms LWL will just have to comply.
Like all citizens, law is a law. No one is above the law.
Why make so much fuss?
If Preservation law override private will, then as citizens Mr LHY and Ms LWL will just have to comply.
Like all citizens, law is a law. No one is above the law.
Why make so much fuss?
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Ricky Lim ·
My father's previous shop has been earmarked to give way to MRT and has to move.
That location is a high-traffic volume - and is very good for business.
But since this is law, there is no choice and have to move - because MRT serve the National Interest and benefit many Singaporeans.
My father just dutifully negotiate with the Government for compensation and move to alternative location without fuss.
No fuss was make - though initially unhappy.
He know that he should just move on instead of making a big fuss.
That location is a high-traffic volume - and is very good for business.
But since this is law, there is no choice and have to move - because MRT serve the National Interest and benefit many Singaporeans.
My father just dutifully negotiate with the Government for compensation and move to alternative location without fuss.
No fuss was make - though initially unhappy.
He know that he should just move on instead of making a big fuss.
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Ricky Lim ·
So does he decry "abuse of power", "lose confidence in leadership" - like this 2 siblings do - and activate the whole Nation by stoking emotion and sentiment to serve their own "personal cause and interest" - really needed?
Just move on - if the Preservation law say so and if the Cabinet think this is the right thing to do - as Cabinet is democratically elected to do what is best for the Nation.
By stirring emotion for "personal cause" - don't make sense and distract the Nation from more worthy and important issues - like economic transformation and terrorist threat.
Just move on - if the Preservation law say so and if the Cabinet think this is the right thing to do - as Cabinet is democratically elected to do what is best for the Nation.
By stirring emotion for "personal cause" - don't make sense and distract the Nation from more worthy and important issues - like economic transformation and terrorist threat.
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Wei Foo
Ricky Lim Spoken like a true dictator! The cabinet and LHL are using the guise of heritage to prevent the demolition of the house and you have blindly bought it hook, line and sinker. flimsy reasons like yours give credence to dictatorships everywhere. Singapore will survive without the house. But will LHL's PAP?
Ricky Lim ·
Wei Foo - a dictator is not one that is democratically elected.
This Government is democratically elected.
If every citizens start challenging the Government in everything it do, can the Government govern?
If every subordinates in Mr LHY organisations challenge each and every of his decision, can Mr Lee HY manage his organisation.
Wei Foo - you need to grow up.
This Government is democratically elected.
If every citizens start challenging the Government in everything it do, can the Government govern?
If every subordinates in Mr LHY organisations challenge each and every of his decision, can Mr Lee HY manage his organisation.
Wei Foo - you need to grow up.
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Ricky Lim ·
And Wei Foo - if you have children, and every of your children challenge every decision you make - do you think you can still operate like a father?
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Ricky Lim ·
Foo - what you eat, what you talk, how you act, where you shit --- will
have to subject to your children's vote in order not to be dictator, is
that what you mean - not to be a dictator?
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Ricky Lim ·
Wei Foo - the Government did not say they are not engaging Mr Lee HY for talk on how to deal with the Oxley House.
But Mr Lee HY choose to go public and make a big hoo-ha about it - saying "abuse of power", "lose confidence in leadership".
The Government did not act like dictator - but in fact work in a consultative manner.
But if was the siblings - that levy a serious charge - where the Government, with no choice have to respond.
But Mr Lee HY choose to go public and make a big hoo-ha about it - saying "abuse of power", "lose confidence in leadership".
The Government did not act like dictator - but in fact work in a consultative manner.
But if was the siblings - that levy a serious charge - where the Government, with no choice have to respond.
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Ricky Lim ·
And pulling down the Government over such a trivial personal matter - is not trivial.
Wei Foo is that your intention?
Wei Foo is that your intention?
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Wei Foo
Ricky Lim Are you saying this government is so weak that it cannot withstand the controversy of its own making? If this issue is so trivial, why can't LHL just follow his father's will and make it all go away? LHL's ego is so big but his stature is so small, that he needs to cling onto a house for validation. Shameful.
Ricky Lim ·
Wei Foo - this is the Cabinet unanimous decision.
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Ricky Lim ·
Wei Foo - you evidently don't understand how a democratic government works.
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Wei Foo
Ricky Lim LHL, please stop hiding behind the cabinet. They have no decision over a private house and will. Sure they can use the law to preserve the house, but they will pay a very high price in dishonouring LKY's wishes. Stop abusing government machinery to get you own way.
Ricky Lim ·
Wei Foo - when you post here, did you get the majority of the votes that you can post here - to show that you are not a dictator?
If you have not and you post here - that means you are a dictator.
If you have not and you post here - that means you are a dictator.
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Ricky Lim ·
Wei Foo - Preserving Oxley House also doesn't require a major of votes to post. Illogical argument.
It is between Mr Lee HY and the Government.
It is between Mr Lee HY and the Government.
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Wei Foo
May I remind you that the small man thought it was his full discretion not to call a by-election in Hougang. The courts proved him wrong. So yes, the government's decision can be challenged, especially when laws are perverted.
LHL did not challenge when probate was given, ostensibly because he knew he couldn't prove the allegations he is now making against his siblings. He now has to resort to setting up committees and wasting taxpayers' money in parliament when it is very clear the correct avenue is the court. This again, is an abuse of power.
LHL did not challenge when probate was given, ostensibly because he knew he couldn't prove the allegations he is now making against his siblings. He now has to resort to setting up committees and wasting taxpayers' money in parliament when it is very clear the correct avenue is the court. This again, is an abuse of power.
Ricky Lim ·
Wei Foo -
(1) (a) You say Court decide - decide what?
Preservation Law supercede private will. Court no need to decide.
(Every time there is a need to preserve sites - need to go Court is it? Then what is the purpose of enacting the Preservation Law?
Preservation law is under the function of the Government not Court.
You don't even know how the Government operate and how the Court function operate.)
(b) If you say Court decide on the last Will due to the dubious circumstances arising from the drafting and signing of the final Will - it will depend sufficient evidences are gathered or whether the Elder brother want to do it on his brother or a better approach to resolve it and not to escalate it.
(2) "Stop hiding behind a law that is very clearly being perverted to suit a man's needs. That in itself is abuse of power".
You have make a serious allegation, repeating the same allegation by siblings.
You may want to check with your lawyer - whether you have committed "defamation".
1 (a) already explain the Preservation Law - for all heritage sites that qualify for Heritage and Preservation. And this law have been enacted long ago - not just for this Oxley House.
You claim abuse of power?
(1) (a) You say Court decide - decide what?
Preservation Law supercede private will. Court no need to decide.
(Every time there is a need to preserve sites - need to go Court is it? Then what is the purpose of enacting the Preservation Law?
Preservation law is under the function of the Government not Court.
You don't even know how the Government operate and how the Court function operate.)
(b) If you say Court decide on the last Will due to the dubious circumstances arising from the drafting and signing of the final Will - it will depend sufficient evidences are gathered or whether the Elder brother want to do it on his brother or a better approach to resolve it and not to escalate it.
(2) "Stop hiding behind a law that is very clearly being perverted to suit a man's needs. That in itself is abuse of power".
You have make a serious allegation, repeating the same allegation by siblings.
You may want to check with your lawyer - whether you have committed "defamation".
1 (a) already explain the Preservation Law - for all heritage sites that qualify for Heritage and Preservation. And this law have been enacted long ago - not just for this Oxley House.
You claim abuse of power?
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Ricky Lim ·
The whole hoo-ha are 2 fold.
(1) The siblings unhappy that - dubious circumstances of the last will were raised.
(2) Preservation law is under consideration (that will override private will).
Based on these 2 pretexts :-
The siblings raised the allegations :-
(1) Abuse of power
(2) Lose confidence in leadership
You repeat the same allegations as per the siblings.
(1) The siblings unhappy that - dubious circumstances of the last will were raised.
(2) Preservation law is under consideration (that will override private will).
Based on these 2 pretexts :-
The siblings raised the allegations :-
(1) Abuse of power
(2) Lose confidence in leadership
You repeat the same allegations as per the siblings.
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Ricky Lim ·
your claim that :- (2) "Stop hiding behind a law that is very clearly
being perverted to suit a man's needs. That in itself is abuse of
It is not "a man's needs".
The Preservation is a unanimous decision by the Cabinet - not "a man's needs".
So check with your lawyer whether you have "defame or not".
It is not "a man's needs".
The Preservation is a unanimous decision by the Cabinet - not "a man's needs".
So check with your lawyer whether you have "defame or not".
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Swee Kheng Lim
Ricky Lim LHL is also not above the law. Anyway who sets the law.? Government = who and who = Government? You can never win.
Ricky Lim ·
It is enacted in Jan 1971as the Preservation of Monuments Board (PMB).
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Ricky Lim ·
Mr Lee Kuan Yew himself know it --- that is why his option (2) in his will - Preserve with conditions attached is inside.
Mr Lee Kuan Yew knew that he is not above the law.
Mr Lee Kuan Yew knew that he is not above the law.
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Ricky Lim ·
The siblings make allegations that - exercising Preservation Law (enacted by their Father) ---- is :-
(1) abusing power
(2) lose confidence in leadership.
(1) abusing power
(2) lose confidence in leadership.
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Ricky Lim ·
If the siblings and Wei Foo - take the Government to Court or vice versa claiming :-
exercising Preservation Law (enacted by their Father) ---- is :-
(1) abusing power
(2) lose confidence in leadership
---- let see what will happen.
exercising Preservation Law (enacted by their Father) ---- is :-
(1) abusing power
(2) lose confidence in leadership
---- let see what will happen.
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Ricky Lim ·
Wei Foo - which aspect of the law is misused - please quote it here.
Like · Reply · 2 mins
Ricky Lim ·
This will help the aggrieved party to address your concern and if need be follow up with you.
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Wei Foo
Follow up with me? I'm not the one abusing the law. Lol!
Like · Reply · 4 mins
Ricky Lim ·
Good that you have written so many things here.
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42 mins
42 mins
Ricky Lim ·
Why do you have to worry - if you think what you say did not infringe "defamation"?
People have to be accountable and responsible for what he say or do.
People have to be accountable and responsible for what he say or do.
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Ricky Lim ·
You are very brave.
It can be either :-
(1) You think no one will have time to bother about you.
(2) You are a vip that no one will want to touch you.
(3) You think you cannot be identified.
(4) You are in fact the aggrieved party "testing the ground".
Well, good luck.
Just remember - always be accountable for what you say or do.
It can be either :-
(1) You think no one will have time to bother about you.
(2) You are a vip that no one will want to touch you.
(3) You think you cannot be identified.
(4) You are in fact the aggrieved party "testing the ground".
Well, good luck.
Just remember - always be accountable for what you say or do.

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