Wednesday, June 28, 2017

'Not true' that ministerial committee is bent on preventing demolition of Lee Kuan Yew's home: DPM Teo
(Updated: )

Ricky Lim ·

There are indeed a range of viable intermediate options between these. Mr LHY seems supportive of some of the intermediate options we are studying.

This show that the gap of option between Mr Lee HY and DPM Teo - on demolishing vs preserving - is narrowing.

This is a good sign - and should be the basis to resolve dispute or differences.
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Ricky Lim ·

Peeling the onion approach - layer by layer - require patience, objectivity, calmness, iteration ---- will help to narrow the gap - without needing to stoke emotion and let temper fly.

Eventually both sides will come to a mid-point - where both sides can accept.

This is the Middle Path approach of dispute resolution - known as the "onion peeling approach".
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Ricky Lim ·

The key to be able to come this "adult-to-adult" method of dispute resolution --- is to "Break the taboo" - the "unwavering determination to demolish" ---- "the fear of Legacy".

And how to "break the taboo" ---- is to comprehensively, thoroughly, pervasively - match and even exceed the justifications of demolish as oppose to preserve ---- by overcoming without any doubts on "the fear of Legacy".

The stature of Mr Lee KY provide an insurmountable challenge to overcome the taboo.

Only when this can be done - will break down the siblings challenges - to adopt the "Middle Path - onion peeling approach" to dispute resolution.

And of course, the latent unsaid surrounding this "taboo" is "leadership succession - the 5th Generation".

By separating the "Heritage" justification with "Legacy fear" --- is the key to break the resistance - as they will become 2 separate entity.

In future, this Oxley House is all about "Heritage" & "Meritocracy" - this will have break Mr Lee KY's fear and taboo.
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Ricky Lim ·

"Heritage" confuse with "Legacy" - Mr Lee KY taboo is the root cause of conflict.

Thus If able to justify and transform "Heritage" and "Meritocracy" for Leadership succession of 5th Generation, it will break Mr Lee KY taboo.

And both siblings will be able to accept Cabinet intermediate option - by adopting "Middle Path - onion peeling approach" to dispute resolution.
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Ricky Lim ·

"Meritocracy" will ensure the continue survival and future prosperity.
"Heritage" is useful to reinforce this ideal - as Singapore's success is anchor on "Meritorcacy" temper with "Compassion" with the foundation based on "No-Self (Selfless)".

And Wisdom, Compassion anchor on No-Self ---- is the key for Singapore continuous survival and future prosperity.

These 3 attributes will be the 3 Cardinal Values of Future Leadership.

This is Mr Lee Kuan Yew's inherent "Heritage" - that must be preserved.
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Ricky Lim ·

”心“ ---
(1) First stroke - represent "Panna Wisdom".
(2) Middle stroke - represent "No-Self".
(3) Third stroke - represent "Compassion".

anchor on the cradle of "Pureland" - Singapore - the little red dot.

This is what Leadership - should inherit.
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Ricky Lim ·
大地万法唯 "心" 造。
---- Everything that is build that now form the Singapore - arise from the "心" (the Heart) --- which is Mr Lee Kuan Yew's Heritage of 3 attributes :-
(1) Meritocracy (of His Wisdom)
(2) Compassion
(3) anchor on "Selfless" attribute

Mr Lee Kuan Yew in Oxley House once declare :-
"Today this is a Marshland (0 - zero development).
10 years down the road, we will make this a cosmopolitan city - a developed Nation".
From (0) zero - to today's Modern Singapore.

Thus the "O"xley House - represent "Emptiness" from Mr Lee Kuan Yew's Heart "心" - with 3 Leadership attributes - build today's Singapore.
Literal interpretation of the above "Chinese Zen" -
Everything in Singapore we build, arise from the Heart.
When condition arise, it appear and everything can be build.
When condition vanish, everything demise.

REALLY, DO WE WANT TO DEMOLISH "OXLEY HOUSE" - our this very precious Heritage?
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Ricky Lim ·

whatever we can preserve, we can keep --- try to preserve, try to keep.

those that die die cannot be preserve, cannot be kept ---- do it with heavy heart..........
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Ricky Lim ·

while finish typing the last word ---- 11.37am 29 Jun 2017, lightning strike, thunder roar admist heavy rain .........
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Ricky Lim ·

--- 讲的就是 “心” 啊 !!!
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