Friday, June 9, 2017

 Brexit voters see 'total mess' in muddled poll outcome

Brexit is wrong - that is why we see such a mess now in UK.
Trump phenomenon is wrong - that is why we see such a big mess in US.

Le Pen phenomenon is wrong - luckily France is sensible not to vote Le Pen in - and avoided the mess we see in US and UK.

All because the root cause :-
(1) Disruptive technologies that take away jobs - leading lack of jobs for people
(2) Capitalism rearing the head - leading to wide inequality of income and jobs.
(3) Faillure of society - to resolve the above 2 problems --- that lead to Brexit, Trump syndrome, Le-Pen phenomenon.

Actually, Government all over the World - should sit down and solve the root causes that lead to the above phenomenon - not doing knee-jerk reaction that cause the mayhem like Brexit, Trump syndrome, Le-Pen phenomenon.

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