Wednesday, June 14, 2017

ricky l

PM Lee's new stance over Oxley Road house led to my statement with Wei Ling: Hsien Yang

I believe running a Government - is a collective decision vis-a-vis a personal decision.

Collective decision - is based on listening to many sources and come out with informed decision - that look at the larger whole and meant to benefit the entire Nation.

Personal decision - is based on his personal view and can involve emotion - and by not looking at the larger whole - is meant to benefit personal and his families.

Thus personal decision could be different from a Government position - due to the above consideration - where Government look at the National Interest --- whereas Personal decision - look at personal and family interest.

  • @id, your example is out of context and does not reflect the real picture of the dispute here.

    (1) The passing Father pass over the House to 3 children.
    The will is to demolished it and sell the property to be distributed to the 3 children.
    The children decide to give it to charity upon demolished and sales of the property.

    Beneficiaries - the few charities bodies who received the donation.

    No one is going to snatch away the house for his/her own benefits.

    (2) The State position is that the House is of significant and historical values - that can be used to benefit the 6 millions Singaporeans plus future generations.
    Instead of donating to charities and spend away the money, keep it as Conservation for heritage - that will remind, rally and inspire future generations of Singaporeans.

    Beneficiaries - all 6 millions Singaporeans plus future generations.

    The State did not "confiscate" away the House - as long as the children continue to stay in the House, no one will be chased out.

    -- So your example is not in the right context - and it will generate more negative emotion.

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