PM Lee's new stance over Oxley Road house led to my statement with Wei Ling: Hsien Yang
ricky l
I believe running a Government - is a collective decision vis-a-vis a personal decision.
Collective decision - is based on listening to many sources and come out with informed decision - that look at the larger whole and meant to benefit the entire Nation.
Personal decision - is based on his personal view and can involve emotion - and by not looking at the larger whole - is meant to benefit personal and his families.
Thus personal decision could be different from a Government position - due to the above consideration - where Government look at the National Interest --- whereas Personal decision - look at personal and family interest.
Collective decision - is based on listening to many sources and come out with informed decision - that look at the larger whole and meant to benefit the entire Nation.
Personal decision - is based on his personal view and can involve emotion - and by not looking at the larger whole - is meant to benefit personal and his families.
Thus personal decision could be different from a Government position - due to the above consideration - where Government look at the National Interest --- whereas Personal decision - look at personal and family interest.

ricky l
I believe if Mr Lee Kuan Yew come back today and listen to the justification of keeping the Oxley House for the good of future generations of Singapore, Mr Lee Kuan Yew will change his mind and his position to keep the Oxley House --- because for his entire life - Mr Lee Kuan Yew ---- is devoted to the well-beings of Singapore ---- even if his body is lowered into the grave ---- he will rise and put things right --- if he sense that something is not going right.

ricky l
@id, your example is out of context and does not reflect the real picture of the dispute here.
(1) The passing Father pass over the House to 3 children.
The will is to demolished it and sell the property to be distributed to the 3 children.
The children decide to give it to charity upon demolished and sales of the property.
Beneficiaries - the few charities bodies who received the donation.
No one is going to snatch away the house for his/her own benefits.
(2) The State position is that the House is of significant and historical values - that can be used to benefit the 6 millions Singaporeans plus future generations.
Instead of donating to charities and spend away the money, keep it as Conservation for heritage - that will remind, rally and inspire future generations of Singaporeans.
Beneficiaries - all 6 millions Singaporeans plus future generations.
The State did not "confiscate" away the House - as long as the children continue to stay in the House, no one will be chased out.
-- So your example is not in the right context - and it will generate more negative emotion.
(1) The passing Father pass over the House to 3 children.
The will is to demolished it and sell the property to be distributed to the 3 children.
The children decide to give it to charity upon demolished and sales of the property.
Beneficiaries - the few charities bodies who received the donation.
No one is going to snatch away the house for his/her own benefits.
(2) The State position is that the House is of significant and historical values - that can be used to benefit the 6 millions Singaporeans plus future generations.
Instead of donating to charities and spend away the money, keep it as Conservation for heritage - that will remind, rally and inspire future generations of Singaporeans.
Beneficiaries - all 6 millions Singaporeans plus future generations.
The State did not "confiscate" away the House - as long as the children continue to stay in the House, no one will be chased out.
-- So your example is not in the right context - and it will generate more negative emotion.
- ricky lKeeping the House for Heritage for Conservation is not hero-worshipping.
It is a place where many important decisions that help to resolve crisis over crisis - were made during the early days - where Singapore's fate faces insurmountable risks.
If one day, Singapore need reminders, need a rallying point or need inspirational source - visit the Oxley House ----- "where the top pioneer leaders --- meet and make vital decisions -- that transformed Singapore from a marsh swampy land - into a now bustling cosmopolitan 1st class developed Nation".
It will inspire future Singapore leaders and people ---- nothing is "mission impossible" - because our Pioneer Leaders has transformed bleak future - into one solid prosper future for us --- whatever crisis can be overcome and resolve.
This is the significance of the Heritage of Conserving this Oxley House is all about.
It is not hero-worshipping.
It is not about worrying - critics will bad mouth our Pioneer Leaders. (Who in this world, whichever Politicians are not criticised or bad-mouth? Even Buddha was defamed and bad-mouthed. Even God is bad-mouth.
What is important is in the "Heart".
It is about a Rallying Point.
It is about an Inspirational Source.
It is about a place of Reminder - that we can overcome - whatever the crisis we face.
Get it? - ricky lThe PM statutory declaration is out.
The issue of Mr LKY agree to "demolish the house" = is now in doubt.
2 wills from Mr LKY remove this clause.
And how the last will was drawn - where the removed clause "demolish the house" - is re-inserted is now under question.