Saturday, June 24, 2017

Ho Ching responds to Lee Hsien Yang regarding Lee Kuan Yew's items loaned to NHB


(Updated: )

Jimmy Hui
Ricky Lim , you've been talking quite a lot here. You sounded like a member of the "commitee" looking into 38 Oxley but they didn't mention your name so far :). Why don't you make yourself a candidate in the next GE and join the cabinet (not the kitchen type). Not much use acting like one in this comments page. Speak or comment generally in a forum like this and don't talk like you are from NHB or part of the govt. Compliments are better :)
Like · Reply · 3 hrs

Ricky Lim ·

Jimmy Hui - which part of my postings indicate i am from the "committee" or from "NHB"?

Justifying the "Preservation of the House" and putting right the perspective of "abusing system, losing confidence in leadership" - to prevent chaos, disorderly disruption to the leadership that will cause impact to the Country's lives - is anyone's responsibility.

When a Country encoutner a crisis, it is the responsibility of citizen to salvage the crisis.

Just like you favor Mr Lee HY and LeeWL's view to demolish - does it mean you are the confidante of Mr Lee HY and WL?
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Jimmy Hui
Ricky Lim , i said you "sounded like" - no understand english or england? You so passionate, so responsible? That's why I said make yourself a candidate in the next GE and join the cabinet. I don't favour anyone unlike you. I talked about the govt of the day and that they didn't substantiate public interest in any form. Did they tell you or show you?
Like · Reply · 11 hrs
Thomas Thomas
I think Ricky Lim already inside PAP helping to "chop" carpark lots for the MPs, maybe next election will be promoted.
Like · Reply · 7 hrs

Ricky Lim ·

Jimmy Hui - Well, postings opinion here like you and me - is a matter of passion and not wanting something unpleasant happening to Singapore and affecting Singaporeans.

This issue warrant the attention giving to it - because the threat to destabilise the Government come from within and the charges of "abuse of system, losing leadership" come at the time when terrorist threat is at our doorstep and in the midsst of economic transformation that has caused many people to adjust their jobs and livelihood.
In other countries - such incidents will has led to turmoil.

As your points about my interest in politics, the following is my view :-
(1) I am a commoner just like you and me. Expressing my views online does not mean that i have an intention to join politics.
(2) There are more capable people who can contribute more than me in politics.
(3) My "Shield" is at the fringe of the Universe, i don't intend to pull it back to the fringe of the red dot.
My interest is not only for the "seen" but also include the "unseen".
Probably you may not understand what i mean.
The following probably best describe this :-
You may ask what this "Shield" is?
It is the "Shield of Compassion".
I won't elaborate further.
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Ricky Lim ·
Jimmy Hui - now i will want to address your view on "public interest".
Based on what you have written :-
Public interest to you means Whether public is interested in keeping the Oxley House and Mr Lee KY's items.
And you mean - putting public to a vote - majority votes for or against - will determine whether public want to destroy, demolish Oxley House and Mr Lee KY's items.

I have another take on the meaning of "public interest".
And the below best describe it :-
It means, not in the right place, you may not know the values and merits of keeping Oxley House and Mr Lee KY's items.

The following events best describe this (it come from Mr Lee Hsien Yang himself) :-
"Mr Lee Hsien Yang also said that he and his sister “do not object in principle” to lending Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s personal effects to the NHB.
“Indeed, we gave many of our father's personal items to the NHB to exhibit."
- Mr Lee Hsien Yang and his sister understand the significance, values and importance of Oxley House and Mr Lee KY's items.
Otherwise he and his sister will not have objected to lending Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s personal effects to the NHB in principle.

Destroying it, demolishing it, throwing it away --- by the votes of public who don't understand the significance --- will cause harm and can be disastrous to Singapore - simply of the fact that majority of the public are not at the right place to understand the values of preservation.

Hence, 不在其位,不知其利。

For such matter, democracy or one man one vote --- will not be of the best interest for Singapore.
Thus, Cabinet that is endowed with the responsibilites of looking after the interest of Singapore (the public interest) - should make the decision to keep or destroy Oxley House and Mr Lee KY's items.

The decision is Cabinet voted unanimously to preserve - this indicate the significance of Preserving the Oxley House and Mr Lee KY's items.
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