China rolls out green carpet for California on climate
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While Perry maintained a relatively low profile during his visit, Brown, who had described Trump's move as "insane", went on a public relations offensive as he sought to fill the vacuum left by the US leader in the climate change fight.
"We are losing ground. We are not moving at the pace needed to prevent catastrophe," Brown warned Thursday on the sidelines of the gathering.
This demonstrate that US local government and US institutions - are beginning to "rubbishtised" Trump many failed policies - that have been creating a big mess in the World affairs - and decide to do it on their own ---- by ignoring many Trump's failed policies.
"We are losing ground. We are not moving at the pace needed to prevent catastrophe," Brown warned Thursday on the sidelines of the gathering.
This demonstrate that US local government and US institutions - are beginning to "rubbishtised" Trump many failed policies - that have been creating a big mess in the World affairs - and decide to do it on their own ---- by ignoring many Trump's failed policies.