Sunday, June 18, 2017

Oxley Road dispute 'not the family legacy' Lee Kuan Yew would have wanted: ESM Goh

 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim · 
Singaporeans can urge the Lees to settle their dispute amicably in private or through closed–door arbitration, said Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong on Saturday evening (17 June).

Yes, I think the only wholesome way to resolve the differences is to settle the family dispute behind close door - and worst come to worst behind close-door arbitration.

This is the only way to salvage the damage done.

Mr Lee Kuan Yew certainly does not want to see his own flesh and blood - tearing one another apart.

一世英名, 毁于一旦。
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Ricky Lim · 
Today is the Father's Day, it is certainly a good day to sit down as a Family.
血浓于水 (Blood is thicker than water).
Only through the sewing up of wound and the healing of the Heart - can then let emotion take a back seat - and talk over with rational and logical mind.
Mr Lee Kuan Yew is all for the well-being of Singapore.
Surely, any issues, and decision make even of what is specify in the Will - as long as it is for the good of Singapore, the beneficiaries of the Will, the executors of the Will - will be willing to compromise if the beneficiaries, the executors of the Will can be convinced that if it is for the greater good of Singapore.
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