Wednesday, June 21, 2017

38 Oxley Road dispute: Govt of the day has to be responsible for decision on house, says DPM Teo

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 

"Ultimately, it is the Government of the day which has to be responsible for making a decision on the property as this is where the powers reside under the law, specifically the Preservation of Monuments Act and the Planning Act in this case. 
So the beneficiaries and executors of the Will for Oxley House have to be mindful that ---- this is a Government function.

It has the power to override a private will.

Executors of a private will - should not willfully and mindlessly accuse "abusing of power" or "lose confidence of leadership" ---- using the content of a private will to override a Government function.

Where in fact, it should be the other way round - where a Government function has the right to supersede a private will (irregardless the legal power of a private will).

So not sure what the "big hoo-ha" is about - and the fuss make on a daily basis as if this is the executors' playground to entertain each bit and pieces of unhappiness.
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"as if this is the executors' playground to entertain each bit and pieces of unhappiness" - so, whatever happened to public interest? Goes out of the door I assume, along with respect for LKY's last wishes in the name of these "rights"?
Like · Reply · 13 mins
Ricky Lim · 

ビンオマール宗作 - public interest?

I thought the following should be the public interest :-

But the elder Lee, who is credited with transforming Singapore from a backwater entrepot into one of Asia's richest countries, feared the house could turn into a monument.
He is said to have wanted to avoid the kind of personality cult that can develop around strongman leaders.

I think Singaporeans fully understood Mr Lee Kuan Yew's 苦心 - his concern, his worries - that Meritocracy should be the values and principles in grooming Leadership and not through personality cult or dynasty.
Or let everyone see it from a different perspective :-
(1) If we do not build monument, should we knock down Sir Stamford Raffles statue? (and forget about our history as British colony and bustling port)
(2) If we do not build monument, should we knock down the Merlion statute - and forget about our history of Lion City, the Sang Nila Utama, the name called Temasek.
(3) If we do not build monument, should we knock down the World War 2 Peace monument at City Hall?
(4) If we do not build monument, should we knock down the old Supreme Court that feature the Colonial style building architecture?
(5) In the same vein, should we knock down the Sun Zhong Sun villa, the Alkaff mansion, the Peranakan Museum?

Then Singapore will has no more heritage - only HDB flats, MRT and tall commercial buildings.
Then what is Singapore's identity? What is Singapore Heritage?
HDB flats?

I think many Singaporeans are supportive of demolishing the House for the following reasons :-
(1) Oxley House is a private property. The owner will have the right how should this property be handled and Govt should not step in.
(2) It is found in Mr Lee's will and has legal power to execute the Will.
(3) Many Singaporeans are fearful that even if Mr LKY's will can be overriden by Govt, then how about private citizens' house and property?
I think the above reasons are valid.

However, let us view it in another perspective :-
(1) Is Oxley House worth preserving?
Is it a historical significance - where many crucial historical events have taken place in the Oxley House worth preserving through Conservation as Heritage?
Singapore during the 1960's have witnessed life threatening situation, the fate of Singapore hangs in the balance, people are despair and fear for their future.
(a) British pullout - Singapore has no future which are so dependant on British's jobs.
(b) Singapore breakaway from Peninsula - Singapore has no more hinterland, even water supply is a big issue - and Singaporeans may die from thirst if not properly handled and trade is cut off.
(c) Racial riot
(d) Blood revolution to achieve a non-capitalist economy and political system
(e) No armed forces to protect Singapore
etc etc etc
---- all the above crisis over crisis - are resolve and overcome in the Oxley House.

So should Oxley House be conserved as a Heritage - to inspire future Singapore Leaders, Singaporeans - when we encounter future insurmountable crisis - that nothing is impossible to achieve.
The following declaration resonate in the Oxley House :-
"Today Singapore is a marsh land, a swamp. 10 years down the road - we will build Singapore to be a cosmopolitan city. A 1st class developed nation !"

Future Singapore Leaders can set foot in the Oxley House when encounter insurmounable crisis and make this statement :-
"Our Pioneer Leader has build Singapore to become a 1st class nation from nothing.
Today we face an unsurmountable crisis. We are at a better stake than when we are in 1960s where we have nothing.
With grace from Oxley House, we can overcome this crisis and make our Nation better !"

This is the real reason - why we should keep Oxley House - as our Heritage (not personality cult, not dynasty).

(2) To allay the fear of Government taking over private property for Conservation, I believe Government will be willing to pay market values as compensation to property owner and ensure that property owner will be no loss.
(3) A private will - has legal power if properly written. Now it is whether beneficiaries that benefit from the Will are willing to negotiate, understand the significance of the House and compromise with Deep Wisdom and Big Heart - to accept Government compensation and offer Oxley House as Heritage as argued in point (1) above.

This is meant to benefit the 6 million Singaporeans and future descendants.
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Ricky Lim · 

If the executors of the Will has the public interest at heart, they will probably understand the difference between :-

自私 vs 无私

Self centre vs Selfless.
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Ricky Lim · 

If the siblings understand the pain of the elder brother and the heavy responsibilites the elder brother that he has to carry every day - including the terrorist threat that are trying to pierce the Singapore defense,

the siblings will stop attempting to puncture a hole from behind.
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Ricky Lim · 

If the siblings understand the massive economic transformation that Singapore have to undergo, the siblings should stop sapping the energy and attention of the elder brother.

Considering the fact that "a house" is "small" --- compare to the economic challenges and security challengs that Singapore is facing today.

The siblings daily and constant poking --- serve no interest to Singapore, and all the Singaporeans.
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Jm Chow
Mr. Lee Kuan Yew had ALREADY made his decision on his house...when he was alive. When LKY had decided, why the need for you or anyelse to make another decision ?

Who say,... our founding father, the man who made thousands of excellent decisions (brilliant decisions that made Singapore into what it is today).... cannot make a decision on demolishing his house ? 

DPM Teo...are you saying you make better decisions than LKY ?
Sorry to be a little undiplomatic.
Most Singaporeans would say are not in the same league as LKY
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Peter Lim · 

Spot on Jim. So many people think they are better than LKY?
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Seow Hiong Tan · 

Jim. ITU I like. Good speech.
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Ricky Lim · 

So what is Mr Mr Lee KY's justifications that it will be better to demolished the house vs benefits of Preserving the House?

Mr Lee KY say - don't do hero-worshipping - make decisions based on facts and reasonings.
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Ricky Lim So who defines public interest? the government or the public?
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Ricky Lim · 

ビンオマール宗作 -- if public determine everything - are you saying that "No government no problem. The country is run by the public and not by the Government".

Is that what you mean?
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Ricky Lim · 

ビンオマール宗作 -- are you suggesting that, for every policies, every issues --- Government will conduct a "voting exercise" - majority wins ---- even if the policies lead the Nation downhill?
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Ricky Lim · 

ビンオマール宗作 -- If your answer is yes, then why a democratic country need a Government to run a Nation and make decision?

Then everyday conduct "voting exercise" for any small or big issues - and majority win.

Then Government very easy job what?

The sole responsibility is to conduct "voting: and count votes" - majority wins.
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Huang Wei
Well said...
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Ricky Lim Likewise to you. Stop worshiping LHL and see the facts for yourself. Surely he can be wrong too, no?
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Ricky Lim · 

Jm - I am a nobody not even to mention i am in the same league of Mr Lee KY.

But i am willing to challenge Mr Lee KY's justifications of demolishing the House vs my justifications on the benefits of Preserving the House.

You can shoot all the justifications from Mr Lee KY --- and I will debate with you here.

Jm Chow
Ricky Lim 
It is PM Lee against LKY's will...not you vs me. Get it.

I have said my piece on this issue...and sorry, I have no time or inclination to debate you.
The bottom line,.... like me, you are a nobody...whatever you say or I say...will not matter.
Like · Reply · 11 hrs · Edited

Ricky Lim Do us all a favour and challenge LHL's justifications for preserving it. I won't even bother debating with you as you seem to sidestep whatever I asked you so far.
Like · Reply · 50 mins
Ricky Lim Why even bother conducting elections for the govt to begin with, when you are now even doubting the purpose of voting for anything. By your skewed logic, the current govt being voted in by 70% of the population has no meaning at all.
Like · Reply · 13 hrs

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