Thursday, June 8, 2017

ricky l

An increasingly isolated Trump joins the battle of his life

For the last 150 or so days, Trump has lurched from crisis to crisis, tweeting away his public support and increasingly alienating allies who hold his political fate in their hands.
According to a Morning Consult poll, 69 percent of voters say Trump uses Twitter too much.
Inside the White House, aides describe a miasma of frustration, anger and resentment as Trump undermines his staff and rips up plans with unscripted remarks or Twitter outbursts.

Trump's big personality flaw, character flaw, his yo-yo temperament and his inability to work with anyone within US and with his partners, allies, friends -- all work against him.

Trump's temperament and flaw personality has tainted the White House, cause credibility and integrity deficit to the White House - the highest office in US.

Trump in fact has mess up the whole world affairs in his short period of 150 days in office.

Never seen such a "failed president" - so miserably displayed for everyone to see.

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