Friday, June 30, 2017

38 Oxley Road dispute: Lee Wei Ling again questions PM Lee’s account, quotes email from Janadas Devan
30 Jun 2017 01:17PM (Updated: 30 Jun 2017 01:20PM)

Ricky Lim ·

Mr Lee HY and Ms LWL :-
Can human destroy :-
(1) Buddha's birth place, Enlightenment, PariNirvana Heritage
(2) Jesus birth, burial Heritage
(3) Prophet Muhammed Mecca Heritage
Cannot - because their disciples have no Heritage to follow and Religions demise.

法灭 - 缘灭
- 大三灾 - 法灭,宇宙灭,六道灭
If Universal Dharma Teachings Heritage demolish - all conditions attached to it demise.
- Lead to 3 Major Catastrophe - All Universal Dharma Teachings demise, Universe demise, 6 realms sentinent beings demise.

ISIS attempt to 灭法 (demolish all Universal Dharma Teachings) - that is why catastrophe arise - and the whole World want to eradicate ISIS.

Oxley House is the "Heart" (心) "Core" of Modern Singapore Heritage - that give birth, survival and continuing of Singapore prosperity.
Mr Lee HY and Ms LWL - you want to demolish Oxley House the the "Heart" (心) "Core" of Modern Singapore Heritage?
法灭 - 缘灭
harming Singapore Heritage - harm Singapore.

Both can see now - shaking Oxley House - shake the whole Government - and is shaking the whole Nation.

Are you both sure - you want to demolish Oxley House?
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Ricky Lim ·

Buddha say "Don't just listen to every words I say as gospel truth. Examine what I say, what I do critically and use your judgement to decide whether it is worth your while to follow my discourse.
Don't follow in blind faith simply because I say so."

Now the same statement should apply to both Mr LHY and Ms LWL :-
"Don't just worship your Father's wish as "Gospel Truth" and worship it like God or Imperial Decreee in blind faith".

"Listen to Sound Reasonings and Worship Sound Judgement that benefit the larger good of Singapore, all Singaporeans and future descendants".
Like · Reply · 16 mins
Ricky Lim ·

大地万法唯 "心" 造。
Everything in Singapore we build, arise from the Heart.
When condition arise, it appear and everything can be build.
When condition vanish, everything demise.

REALLY, DO WE WANT TO DEMOLISH "OXLEY HOUSE" - our this very precious Heritage?
Both can see now - shaking Oxley House - shake the whole Government - and is shaking the whole Nation.
Are you both sure - you want to demolish Oxley House?
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Ricky Lim ·

Oxley House is all about :-
Demolishing Oxley House - destroy the ”心“.
And all conditions attached to it - demise....

Demolish Oxley House :-
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Ricky Lim ·
道教 called this 风水

Demolishing Oxley House :-
Now shaking Oxley House - isn't it hurting the Government - hurting Singapore?
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Ricky Lim ·

Why demolishing Religions (Universal Dharma, Universal Law) - will cause demise of Humans?

Because all humans require Spiritual Needs :-
(1) Every humans follow the respective Religions that best appeal to their Spiritual Needs.
(2) Even for some humans who don't believe in Religions - will follow moral principles and law - eg. not to steal, not to commit murder, be kind to others etc.

Thus :-
法灭 - 缘灭
- 大三灾 - 法灭,宇宙灭,六道灭
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Ricky Lim ·
ISIS destroying all Religions and non-believers of Religions is commiting :-
法灭 - 缘灭
- 大三灾 - 法灭,宇宙灭,六道灭
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Thursday, June 29, 2017

38 Oxley Road dispute: Lee Wei Ling again questions PM Lee’s account, quotes email from Janadas Devan
(Updated: )

Ricky Lim ·

Mr Devan added: “In the meantime, I am as baffled as most Singaporeans why (your brother) Hsien Yang and you wish to consume all of us in your personal family matters. Please: Think of Singapore, and forget the rest.”

Mr Devan is right.

Both LHY and LWL - did not think of Singapore.
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Ricky Lim ·

Mr Lee Kuan Yew initially is unwavering in wanting to demolish Oxley House - because he is afraid that Singaporeans may confuse :-
"Heritage" with "Legacy".
This is supported by the siblings' statement:-
They outlined their father’s wish for the house to be demolished immediately after his death, and alleged that PM Lee wanted to preserve the house “to inherit (Lee Kuan Yew’s) credibility”

But look at it this way :-
By separating the entity of "Heritage as legacy" ---- but construe it as :-
"Heritage" to reinforce Mr Lee Kuan Yew's "Ideals - ideals of Meritocracy" - which is the essential for Singapore's birth, survival and continuing prosperity ---- will have break Mr Lee Kuan Yew's fear of "Heritage" as "Legacy".

When this is done - there is no more justification and basis to demolish Oxley House - for fear of "Heritage" as "Legacy" that benefit self --- but as "Heritage" as foundation to reinforce "Ideals - ideals of Meritocracy" that will ensure Singapore's birth, survival and continuing prosperity - for the sake of Modern Singapore, all Singaporeans and future descendants.

Now from "fearful of attachment to self" --- to a wholesome, holistic ideal - for the future of "Singapore".
Will this be a good enough reasoning and justification to preserve Oxley House as oppose to demolish it?

Buddha say "Don't just listen to every words I say as gospel truth. Examine what I say, what I do critically and use your judgement to decide whether it is worth your while to follow my discourse.
Don't follow in blind faith simply because I say so."

Now the same statement should apply to both Mr LHY and Ms LWL :-
"Don't just worship your Father's wish as "Gospel Truth" and worship it like God or Imperial Decreee in blind faith".

"Listen to Sound Reasonings and Worship Sound Judgement that benefit the larger good of Singapore, all Singaporeans and future descendants".

So will Mr Lee HY and Ms LWL - for the sake of Singapore, all Singaporeans and Future Descendants - consider not to demolish Oxley House --- where the pretext is "Heritage" as foundation to reinforce "Ideals of Meritocracy"?
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James Tan ·

It is precisely because the siblings think of S'pore's future that they are doing what they are doing now. Whether they are right or wrong, only a COI consisting of neutral and reputable people should be conveyed to reveal the truth.
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr

Ricky Lim ·

James Tan - are you saying that Member of Parliaments - democratically elected by People - and that are running our Country not good enough?

NCMP and NMP of good man not good enough?

must appoint COI of good man is it?

Then people will ask - on what basis the members of COI selected is good enough to look at the siblings allegations?

Where is the end?
Like · Reply · 8 mins

Ricky Lim ·

James Tan - if MPs, NCMPs, NMPs --- some are ruling, some are opposition, some are independents - representatives of Singaporeans who democratically elected are not good enough -- are not impartial enough to examine the siblings allegations ---- then how are you going to be convinced that appointed COI members will convince you or the siblings?

And in this virtue, if you don't believe the above are impartial -- if this case is brought to Court --- will "contempt of Court" come into play --- by saying Judges are also appointed by the Government.

Then Where is the end? what else will make people convince? -- just to please this 2 siblings.
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Ricky Lim ·
And I believe if Mr Lee Kuan Yew rise from his grave today and listen to the argument of :-
"Heritage" not = "Legacy"


"Heritage" = "Reminder as Ideals for Meritocracy"

--- will have change his mind - from "demolish" to "Preserve" Oxley House.
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Ricky Lim ·
And these son and daughter stubborness and the way they waylaid their elder brother will make Mr Lee Kuan Yew heartbroken.

Because Mr Lee Kuan Yew did waver and is changing his mind in quite a number of successive wills - by removing the clause of "demolition" --- but in dubious circumstance re-insert into the 7th and last Will - not drafted by the originial 1st to 6th Lee&Lee lawyers.
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38 Oxley Road dispute: 'No confidence' that complete account will be told in Parliament, says Lee Hsien Yang
(Updated: )

Ricky Lim ·

Actually, to provide complete picture, all Mr Lee HY and Ms LWL have to do is to ---- submit both your statutory declarations and say your story.

The PM has submitted his statutory declaration.

Have Mr Lee HY and Ms LWL submitted both your statutory declaration?

Statutory declaration has legal power and can be submitted to Court.
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Ricky Lim ·

If both Mr Lee HY and Ms LWL have submitted their statutory declaration - their side of the story will have been told - and both cannot claim that their sides of story are not represented.

Statutory declaration must produce facts and evidences that can be proven - and must be the truth and only truth.
Has this been done?
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Ricky Lim ·

And I believe with Mr Lee HY statutory declaration, the circumstances surrounding the 7th and last Will will be revealed.

Is this done?
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Ricky Lim ·

Another thing, if Mr Lee HY think that Parliament is not the right forum, is Mr Lee HY suggesting :-
(1) PM to sue Mr Lee HY's allegation of "abuse of power" under defamation in Court?
(2) Government to sue Mr Lee HY for allegation of "abuse of power"by using Preservation law that will override private will - under defamation in Court?

Both are trying to 留一条后路给你 if you still have not realised。
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Patricia Tong
Postings on FB are free. Maybe LHY is so kiam kena to submit SD.
Like · Reply · 11 mins

Ricky Lim ·

Patricia Tong - FB are social media forum for recreation.

Statutory declaration need to be signed and the fine print in the Statutory Declaration has legal power.

If untruth statement or wilful hiding of information - signatory can be prosecuted in Court.

Wonder why Mr Lee HY and Ms LWL have still not submitted - if both are concern that even Parliamentary session - is not the right forum for them?
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Ricky Lim ·

On retrospect ----- demolishing a Heritage ---- need serious consideration - because if done - everything will be gone.

For eg. :-
(1) Buddhists preserve the places as Heritage for Buddha's Birth, Enlightenment and PariNirvana.
(2) Christian preserve the places as Heritage for Jesus's Birth and Burial.
(3) Muslim preserve the places as Heritage for Prophet Muhammed - such as Mecca.

This are religious Heritages - that cannot be demolished - but must be kept as Heritages.

There are many secular sites - kept as Heritage.

Similarly, Oxley House - is a Heritage - that mark Singapore's birth, survival and continue prosperity of Modern Singapore.

Can we just demolished Oxley House - simply because the Founder say so?
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Ricky Lim ·

Now to override Mr Lee Kuan Yew's concern about preserving Oxley House - will be misused as "Monument" used for "Legacy" purpose :-

is to "Break the taboo" - the "unwavering determination to demolish" ---- "the fear of Legacy".

And how to "break the taboo" ---- is to comprehensively, thoroughly, pervasively - match and even exceed the justifications of demolish as oppose to preserve ---- by overcoming without any doubts on "the fear of Legacy".

The stature of Mr Lee KY provide an insurmountable challenge to overcome the taboo.

Only when this can be done - will help in dispute resolution.

And of course, the latent unsaid surrounding this "taboo" is "leadership succession - the 5th Generation".

By separating the "Heritage" justification with "Legacy fear" --- is the key to break the resistance - as they will become 2 separate entity.

In future, this Oxley House is all about "Heritage" & "Meritocracy" - this will have break Mr Lee KY's fear and taboo.
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Ricky Lim ·

"Heritage" confuse with "Legacy" - Mr Lee KY taboo is the root cause of conflict.

Thus If able to justify and transform "Heritage" and "Meritocracy" for Leadership succession of 5th Generation, it will break Mr Lee KY taboo.
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Ricky Lim ·

"Meritocracy" will ensure the continue survival and future prosperity.

"Heritage" is useful to reinforce this ideal - as Singapore's success is anchor on "Meritorcacy" temper with "Compassion" with the foundation based on "No-Self (Selfless)".

And Wisdom, Compassion anchor on No-Self ---- is the key for Singapore continuous survival and future prosperity.

These 3 attributes will be the 3 Cardinal Values of Future Leadership.

This is Mr Lee Kuan Yew's inherent "Heritage" - that must be preserved.
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Ricky Lim ·

大地万法唯 "心" 造。
---- Everything that is build that now form the Singapore - arise from the "心" (the Heart) --- which is Mr Lee Kuan Yew's Heritage of 3 attributes :-
(1) Meritocracy (of His Wisdom)
(2) Compassion
(3) anchor on "Selfless" attribute

Mr Lee Kuan Yew in Oxley House once declare :-
"Today this is a Marshland (0 - zero development).
10 years down the road, we will make this a cosmopolitan city - a developed Nation".

From (0) zero - to today's Modern Singapore.

Thus the "O"xley House - represent "Emptiness" from Mr Lee Kuan Yew's Heart "心" - with 3 Leadership attributes - build today's Singapore.

Literal interpretation of the above "Chinese Zen" -

Everything in Singapore we build, arise from the Heart.
When condition arise, it appear and everything can be build.
When condition vanish, everything demise.

REALLY, DO WE WANT TO DEMOLISH "OXLEY HOUSE" - our this very precious Heritage?
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Ricky Lim ·

”心“ ---

(1) First stroke - represent "Panna Wisdom".
(2) Middle stroke - represent "No-Self".
(3) Third stroke - represent "Compassion".

anchor on the cradle of "Pureland" - Singapore - the little red dot.

This is what Leadership - should inherit.
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Ricky Lim ·

Marina Bay (3 Towers) & a Lotus Flower is ”心“ - overseeing our Merlion (our Lion City) ---- where the Flying Wheel - represent "0" Emptiness --- that have make :-

Mr Lee Kuan Yew declaration in Oxley House who once declare :-
"Today this is a Marshland (0 - zero development).
10 years down the road, we will make this a cosmopolitan city - a developed Nation".

Do we really want to demolish "O"xley House ---- the core of our Heritage --- that mark Modern Singapore's Birth, Survival and Continuing Prosperity?
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Ricky Lim ·

Oxley House Heritage, Marina Bay Heritage, Merlion City Heritage, Sir Stamford Heritage ------ are tightly inter-linked ------ whether "Mundane" or "Divine" - some may not believe or some may call this “风水”。


Sure you want to "demolish Oxley House"?
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Ricky Lim ·

(1) Universal Law --- 0 become 1.
(2) means "Black Hole" explode "SuperNova".
(3) means "Jhana Samadhi" become "Fruition".

-- Are you sure you want :-
(1) 1 become 0 (From everything to nothing).
(2) Supernova to become Black Hole (means Universe collapse to become black hole and everyone and everything demise).
(3) Or from Fruition to Jhana Samadhi (no need to elaborate this - because it is too profound to elaborate).

Some may say this is too abstract, too profound - cannot grasp.
Others may say this is “风水”。

But actually this is "MetaPhysics".
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Ricky Lim ·

Mr Lee KY also consult "Zen Master" during his lifetime.......

Never take this "demolish" likely.
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Ricky Lim ·

宏船法师 涅槃 了。
法 还在。
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Ricky Lim ·


--- 讲的就是 “心” 啊 !!!
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Ricky Lim ·

“O”xley House - is "0" - the Heart “心” - the "O"rigin, the "Core" of the Heritage.

Marina Bay Heritage - is the Manifestation of the "Core" of the Heritage.

Now by demolishing “O”xley House --- you want to destroy the the Heart “心” - the "O"rigin, the "Core" of the Heritage?

You want all the manifestation to collapse?
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Ricky Lim ·

The current dispute --- everyone can see :-

"Is attacking the - “O”xley House - is "0" - the Heart “心” - the "O"rigin, the "Core" of the Heritage."

Now can everyone see --- the "Manifestation" is shaking?
(Where the entire Government is under attack --- shaking the entire Nation).

You are already seeing the "effect" of attacking the "core" of Heritage - Oxley House ------ and the "effect - the whole Government and the whole Nation is shaking".

This Zen (禅) is not "bull shit" ----- everyone is feeling the impact now.
Everyone is seeing the manifestation of this impact.

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Ricky Lim ·

Do you know why Buddha upon gaining Enlightenment - will want to create a "Pureland"?

It is because His Universal Compassion - don't want humans to go back to "0" again.

He want to leverage on his Pureland - to further Enlighten humans --- not let humans go back to "0" again.

Only Mr Lee Kuan Yew can create miracle and pull this feat.
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Ricky Lim ·

You so smart - want to demolish it - and go back to "0" again?
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Ricky Lim ·

If from Fruition to Jhana Samadhi (from 1 to 0) ---- it means 大三灾。

小三灾 - is consider 3 Minor Catastrophe (战乱,瘟疫,天灾).
(1) War - nuclear war, destruction of human mankind and all leaving things on Earth
(2) Epidemic - virus, illness, bacteria epidemic that wipe human mankind and all leaving things on Earth
(3) Natural disaster - eg. global warming, tsunami, volcano, meteriote collision etc that wipe human mankind and all leaving things on Earth.

大三灾 - are 3 Major Catastrophe (宇宙灭,法灭,六道灭) :-
(1) Universe collapse - all Universal cosmic bodies collapse
(2) Dharma vanish - all Universal dharma teachings vanish
(3) 6 sentinent beings realms collapse - and all 6 sentinent beings in Avici Hell (阿鼻地地狱)- Eternal Hell (无间地狱)。

This is what it means from Everything (1) back to Nothing (0).
色是空, 空是色 啊 !

This is the Universal Law (Law of Relativity).
Like · Reply · 2 mins
Ricky Lim ·

That is why "O"xley House (0) is shaken.
The Whole Government and Whole Nation (1) is shaking.
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Ricky Lim ·

In One Universe (1), there will only be One Buddha (0).
If want to go back to (0), then it means this One Universe (1) ---- must collapse to (0) - and everything vanish.
And another New Universe will be formed.

So are you very sure - you want to demolish "O"xley House and go back to "0" again.

You think there will be another "Mr Lee Kuan Yew"?
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Ricky Lim ·

Heart ”心“ --- seems to be a Universal Divine Teachings that cut across all Religions :-
(1) Taoism
(2) Christianity - I think Jesus talk about "Heart" if I am not wrong
(3) Islam - I think Muslim touch their "Heart" with their hand after handshake if I am not wrong
(4) Buddhism - talk about "Bodhi Heart" “菩提心” = 法轮 (Dharma Wheel) = 涅槃 (Nirvana Fruition).

Hence, Heart ”心“ is a Universal Dharma Teachings - cutting across Religions.
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Ricky Lim ·

All this 禅 (Zen) is about :-
(1) Math - Binary of 0 and 1 expounded in the Discourse of (心经 Heart Sutra) - Universal Law of Relativity.
(2) Science, Technology, Astronomy - Black Hole, Supernova - expounded in the Discourse of (无量寿经,阿弥陀经 Infinite Life, Sutra) - the Math of Infinity OO
(3) MetaPhysics - 色是空, 空是色, Nama/Rupa, Form/Formless, 0 and 1, mundane/supramundane (or Divine), 世间法/出世间法 as well as Building of Pureland or 风水 (fengshui).

Thus it is important not to be mistaken that - there is only binary of 0 and 1, 1 and 0. (Just anyhow suka suka - demolish means demolish).
You will need to look at Infinity.

In MetaPhysics - you must not only look at (心经 Heart Sutra), you must also look at (无量寿经,阿弥陀经 Infinite Life Sutra, Amituofo Sutra).

This Oxley House issue is all about :-
(1) Math
(2) Science, Technology, Astronomy
(3) MetaPhysics (Mundane and Divine)

3 Divinity represent this math :-
(1) 阿弥陀佛 Amituofo - represent binary math of "0" - 无我,大舍 (No Self, Selfless)
(2) 观世音菩萨 Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva - represent Infinity OO - 大慈大悲 (Universal Compassion)
(3) 大势至菩萨 Da Shi Zhi Bodhisattva - represent binary math of "1" - 般若智慧 (Panna Wisdom)

观世音菩萨 Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva - expound (心经 Heart Sutra) - binary math of 0 and 1 - Universal Law of Relativity.
大势至菩萨 Da Shi Zhi Bodhisattva - expound (无量寿经,阿弥陀经 Infinite Life Sutra, Amituofo Sutra) - math of Inifinity within binary math of 0 and 1 --- the making of Pureland within 0 and 1 (not demolish it and everyone - infinity OO vanish).

Oxley House - must consider both --- demolish it means going back to 0 without considering Pureland OO -- and start all over again - is it?

This summarise the discourse of 心 (Heart) and 无量寿 (Infinite Life).

If still don't understand sure "MATI" -- 去 “抹地”。
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Ricky Lim ·

Cannot be - you want from "1" - go back to "0" (Nothing) --- but you don't want "Infinite Continuing Prosperity" - by anyhow demolishing?
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Ricky Lim ·

Now Mr Lee HY suggest demolish our "Pureland", "our "Infinite Continuing Prosperity" - and go back to "0" and start all over again.

Now Mr Lee HY is demolishing the Government that will harm the whole Nation - and want to go back to "0" and start all over again ?

You all think can or not?
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6 mins
Ricky Lim ·
Mr Lee HY say he want to demolish Oxley House.
When Cabinet stop him, he say Cabinet "abuse power".
When Cabinet challenge him, he stoke emotion and stir temper - to build opposition against the Government - by exploiting the stature of his father.
He shake the whole Government.
And in turn shake the whole Nation.
By forcing 1 to 0, and demolish Singapore OO of continuing prosperity.

Can Singapore let him do it or not?
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Ricky Lim ·

This is our lives, everybody's lives, our prosperity, everybody's prosperity - he want to demolish.
Can we let him demolish?
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Ricky Lim ·
色是空, 空是色,
受想行识, 亦复如是。
It means :-
Form is Formless, Formless is Form.
Mundane is Supramundane (Divine), Divine (Suporamundane) is Mundane.
Science is MetaPhysics (Religion), MetaPhysics (Religion) is Science.

All 5 mental aggregates - consciousness, feelings, perception, judgement, mental formation ---- are the same - where mundane is divine, divine is mundane.

Hence, demolishing is not trivial - need serious consideration.
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