Friday, April 7, 2017

ricky l

Trump jokes he's 'gotten nothing' from Xi so far

Top of the list, according to a source briefed on Xi's plans, will be a package of Chinese investments aimed at creating more than 700,000 American job.
There may also be offers to further open China's auto and agricultural markets, insiders say, and even some concessions on Chinese banks' transactions with North Korea, a vital financial lifeline for the country.
In return, Xi hopes to get assurances from Trump on punitive tariffs and that an American arms sale to Taiwan will be delayed, at least until after a major Communist Party meeting later this year.

I think in the 1st meeting between the 2 SuperPowers - for "breaking the ice:, the above offers are more than "offering absolutely nothing - in gesture".

It is a good start for this 2 largest Economy in the World - to break the ice and allow future dealings to be smoother where differences can be discussed, communicated and negotiated - without the need for sabre-rattling.

This will not only be good for both US and China --- but also the World.

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