A quarter of Christians do not believe in the resurrection
Ben Farmer
ricky l
A body if demise, cannot be resurrected.
Only the 5 mental aggregates will pass on into another body form - through death-rebirth consciousness --- called "rebirth".
Only the 5 mental aggregates will pass on into another body form - through death-rebirth consciousness --- called "rebirth".
ricky l
5 mental aggregates (some religion called it "spirit") - does not end and vanished when a person demise --- called "annihilation".
It will pass on into any of the 10 realms - depending on its karma --- but into another body form --- not the same "demise body" - which will decay.
It will pass on into any of the 10 realms - depending on its karma --- but into another body form --- not the same "demise body" - which will decay.
ricky l
Dr. Ian Stevenson's Reincarnation Research
By Kevin Williams
Ian Stevenson (1918-2007) was a psychiatrist who worked for the University of Virginia School of Medicine for 50 years. He was Chair of the Department of Psychiatry from 1957 to 1967, the Carlson Professor of Psychiatry from 1967 to 2001, and a Research Professor of Psychiatry from 2002 until his death. He was also the founder and Director of the University of Virginia's Division of Perceptual Studies investigating parapsychological phenomena such as (1) reincarnation, (2) near-death experiences, (3) out-of-body experiences, (4) after-death communications, (5) deathbed visions, (6) altered states of consciousness and psi. He became internationally recognized for his research into reincarnation by discovering evidence suggesting that memories and physical injuries can be transferred from one lifetime to another. He traveled extensively over a period of 40 years, investigating 3,000 cases of children around the world who recalled having past lives. His meticulous research presented evidence that such children had unusual abilities, illnesses, phobias and philias which could not be explained by the environment or heredity.
By Kevin Williams
Ian Stevenson (1918-2007) was a psychiatrist who worked for the University of Virginia School of Medicine for 50 years. He was Chair of the Department of Psychiatry from 1957 to 1967, the Carlson Professor of Psychiatry from 1967 to 2001, and a Research Professor of Psychiatry from 2002 until his death. He was also the founder and Director of the University of Virginia's Division of Perceptual Studies investigating parapsychological phenomena such as (1) reincarnation, (2) near-death experiences, (3) out-of-body experiences, (4) after-death communications, (5) deathbed visions, (6) altered states of consciousness and psi. He became internationally recognized for his research into reincarnation by discovering evidence suggesting that memories and physical injuries can be transferred from one lifetime to another. He traveled extensively over a period of 40 years, investigating 3,000 cases of children around the world who recalled having past lives. His meticulous research presented evidence that such children had unusual abilities, illnesses, phobias and philias which could not be explained by the environment or heredity.
ricky l
Death are not "end to everything", vanished into thin air - because Humans cannot see "consciousness".
When a human passed away --- human 5 mental aggregate consciousness pass into a stage known as "death-birth re-linking consciousness".
After this "death-birth re-linking consciousness", what consciousness resume - will depend on what Human will be rebirth as.
When a human passed away --- human 5 mental aggregate consciousness pass into a stage known as "death-birth re-linking consciousness".
After this "death-birth re-linking consciousness", what consciousness resume - will depend on what Human will be rebirth as.
ricky l
Divinity can be explained by Science --- if not by "Metaphysics" - the "proxy to science".
Else Divinity become superstitious.
And Death - to - Rebirth via "death-birth re-linking consciousness" - is part of the process known as "12 Dependent Origination of Life".
No beings will be able to break this cycle of "12 Dependent Origination of Life" - except under one condition - a very rare condition.
Else Divinity become superstitious.
And Death - to - Rebirth via "death-birth re-linking consciousness" - is part of the process known as "12 Dependent Origination of Life".
No beings will be able to break this cycle of "12 Dependent Origination of Life" - except under one condition - a very rare condition.
- martinWe no longer have proper RE at schools. People think believing in God makes them a Christian. Some people think God and Jesus are the same being.
- martinThere are a good few forms of Christianity.
There have been so many translations over such a long period and many of the transcribed words have so many different meanings that the end result will never be 100% accurate. You can ask 100 experts to transcribe a certain passage writing from the original text and you will probably have five different versions. - ricky lNow is "death-re-birth re-linking consciousness" a bluff?
No it is not. This consciousness is briefly mention in Abidharma though its detail phenonmenon is not written down.
Thus to articulate in detail, it will need someone who experienced it to describe in detail.
Briefly, "death-rebirth re-linking consciousness" is a "transition consciousness" that will only happen during the period of "death" in transit to "rebirth" into another body form.
2 major phenonmenon take place in the "death-rebirth re-linking consciousness" :-
(1) Mental states collapse and massively transformed.
(2) Bodily states collapse and massively transformed.
This is known as 脱胎换骨。
(Human death - does not means everything end and vanished.)
There are few types of "death-rebirth re-linking consciousness" - not only 1.
(1) If a human death lead to a rebirth in Heavenly realm - the "death-rebirth re-linking consciousness" which are Supramundane consciousness varies from the various Heavenly realm - Sensual desire heavenly, Form Heavenly or Formless Heavenly realms.
The mental transformation and bodily transformation are different in each Heavenly realms - and the consciousness for each Heavenly realms are different - when sensual desire realm - represent heightened sensual pleasure; form realm - represent formly blissful state; formless realm - represent subconscious formless state.
(2) If a human death lead to a rebirth in Paranormal realm - like hellish realm or hungry ghost realm - the mental transformation and bodily transformation - will be one that are from human mundane consciousness to paranormal woeful consciousness state.
Of course if a human death lead to a rebirth as another human or another animal realm or another asura realm - the "death-rebirth re-linking consciousness" will be very different in their mental transformation and body transformation.
Thus to summarise, a human death does not result in "everything come to an end" and "everything vanish" - known as "annihilation".
In fact - "transformation of mental state and transformation of body state" occurs.
This is the actual explanation of "resurrection" - which is known as "rebirth".
- Mast9 per cent of non-religious people believe in the resurrection? If they believe that then why don't they believe in God?

ricky l
Who will experience the above phenomenon of "death-rebirth re-linking consciousness" without facing death so that they come back to explain the phenomenon ?
The following are 4 types of beings that will experience the above :-
(1) Arahats
(2) Pacekka Buddhas
(3) Bodhisattvas
(4) Buddhas
Jesus is widely believed to be the Bodhisattva.
But unfortunately, the bible is unable to explain "resurrection" in clarity and in detail.
Hence the above, is a more detail explanation of "resurrection" - which in actual phenomenon "a rebirth phenomenon".
The following are 4 types of beings that will experience the above :-
(1) Arahats
(2) Pacekka Buddhas
(3) Bodhisattvas
(4) Buddhas
Jesus is widely believed to be the Bodhisattva.
But unfortunately, the bible is unable to explain "resurrection" in clarity and in detail.
Hence the above, is a more detail explanation of "resurrection" - which in actual phenomenon "a rebirth phenomenon".

ricky l
The reason why the bible is unable to explain "resurrection" in clarity and in detail - could be due to the following reasons:-
(1) Jesus did not explain the phenomenon in detail, or
(2) Jesus did explain "resurrection" - but are misunderstood, and recorded incorrectly --- which in fact meant "rebirth". (Imagine how can a death body or a decay body come to life and become a zombie or vampire?)
(3) Jesus did explain in detail about "resurrection" - but as the above phenomenon are too profound ---- those people who finally discover pen and paper are unable to articulate and describe in detail the exact "resurrection" phenomenon which in fact means "rebirth".
(1) Jesus did not explain the phenomenon in detail, or
(2) Jesus did explain "resurrection" - but are misunderstood, and recorded incorrectly --- which in fact meant "rebirth". (Imagine how can a death body or a decay body come to life and become a zombie or vampire?)
(3) Jesus did explain in detail about "resurrection" - but as the above phenomenon are too profound ---- those people who finally discover pen and paper are unable to articulate and describe in detail the exact "resurrection" phenomenon which in fact means "rebirth".

ricky l
In fact, Jesus learn Buddhism along Silk Routes when he was young - during the missing years - with 2 Buddhist Arahats (the 2 Enlightened Disciples of the Buddha) - and evolve Christianity.
The Lost Years of Jesus:
The Life of Saint Issa
Translation by Notovitch
The lost years of Jesus
Jesus approaching Ladakh as a youth
Oil painting by J. Michael Spooner
The Best of the Sons of Men
Ancient scrolls reveal that Jesus spent seventeen years in India and Tibet
From age thirteen to age twenty-nine, he was both a student and teacher of Buddhist and Hindu holy men
The story of his journey from Jerusalem to Benares was recorded by Brahman historians
Today they still know him and love him as St. Issa. Their 'buddha'
Notovitch In 1894 Nicolas Notovitch published a book called The Unknown Life of Christ. He was a Russian doctor who journeyed extensively throughout Afghanistan, India, and Tibet. Notovitch journeyed through the lovely passes of Bolan, over the Punjab, down into the arid rocky land of Ladak, and into the majestic Vale of Kashmir of the Himalayas. During one of his jouneys he was visiting Leh, the capital of Ladak, near where the buddhist convent Himis is. He had an accident that resulted in his leg being broken. This gave him the unscheduled opportunity to stay awhile at the Himis convent.
Himis Convent Notovitch learned, while he was there, that there existed ancient records of the life of Jesus Christ. In the course of his visit at the great convent, he located a Tibetan translation of the legend and carefully noted in his carnet de voyage over two hundred verses from the curious document known as "The Life of St. Issa."
The Lost Years of Jesus:
The Life of Saint Issa
Translation by Notovitch
The lost years of Jesus
Jesus approaching Ladakh as a youth
Oil painting by J. Michael Spooner
The Best of the Sons of Men
Ancient scrolls reveal that Jesus spent seventeen years in India and Tibet
From age thirteen to age twenty-nine, he was both a student and teacher of Buddhist and Hindu holy men
The story of his journey from Jerusalem to Benares was recorded by Brahman historians
Today they still know him and love him as St. Issa. Their 'buddha'
Notovitch In 1894 Nicolas Notovitch published a book called The Unknown Life of Christ. He was a Russian doctor who journeyed extensively throughout Afghanistan, India, and Tibet. Notovitch journeyed through the lovely passes of Bolan, over the Punjab, down into the arid rocky land of Ladak, and into the majestic Vale of Kashmir of the Himalayas. During one of his jouneys he was visiting Leh, the capital of Ladak, near where the buddhist convent Himis is. He had an accident that resulted in his leg being broken. This gave him the unscheduled opportunity to stay awhile at the Himis convent.
Himis Convent Notovitch learned, while he was there, that there existed ancient records of the life of Jesus Christ. In the course of his visit at the great convent, he located a Tibetan translation of the legend and carefully noted in his carnet de voyage over two hundred verses from the curious document known as "The Life of St. Issa."

ricky l
If Jesus is a Bodhisattva, What is a Bodhisattva?
A Bodhisattva is one that has make a Bodhi Vow to liberate sentinent beings after Enlightenment.
A Bodhisattva has the 3 following attributes :-
(1) No-self
(2) Universal Compassion
(3) Panna Wisdom
with Universal Compassion the driving force to fulfil His/Her Bodhi Vow.
A Bodhisattva is one that has make a Bodhi Vow to liberate sentinent beings after Enlightenment.
A Bodhisattva has the 3 following attributes :-
(1) No-self
(2) Universal Compassion
(3) Panna Wisdom
with Universal Compassion the driving force to fulfil His/Her Bodhi Vow.

ricky l
Matter in this Universe are not lost = they are transformed.
(1) Water we see, evaporate into cloud, form rain, fall into sea and recycle again.
(2) Trees - have seeds, sapling, fruits and when fallen, will be rebirth through its seeds, saplings.
(3) Stones - when decomposed become dust and into another form.
etc etc
Living things are similar except in addition to its "physical state" (same as matter) also has "mental states".
Similar to "physical states" that are "transformed" when its original state demise, "mental states" are also "transformed" or "rebirth" into another form in this Physical Universe.
"Mental states" don't vanish into the thin air and become "vacuum" or "nothing".
This is the explanation of why there is a vicious cycle of "12 dependent origination of life" = where the "fuel" of transformation is called "karma - Universal Law of Karma" - that cause "mental states or life" to continuous rebirth.
(1) Water we see, evaporate into cloud, form rain, fall into sea and recycle again.
(2) Trees - have seeds, sapling, fruits and when fallen, will be rebirth through its seeds, saplings.
(3) Stones - when decomposed become dust and into another form.
etc etc
Living things are similar except in addition to its "physical state" (same as matter) also has "mental states".
Similar to "physical states" that are "transformed" when its original state demise, "mental states" are also "transformed" or "rebirth" into another form in this Physical Universe.
"Mental states" don't vanish into the thin air and become "vacuum" or "nothing".
This is the explanation of why there is a vicious cycle of "12 dependent origination of life" = where the "fuel" of transformation is called "karma - Universal Law of Karma" - that cause "mental states or life" to continuous rebirth.

ricky l
A Bodhisattva in human form will have a hybrid consciousness comprising the following :-
(1) Mundane consciousness - the 5 Mental Aggregates of 5-sense consciousness, feelings, perception, judgement, mental formation.
(2) Supramundane heavenly consciousness - concentration of form jhana, concentration of formless jhana
(3) Supramundane nirvana consciousness - mindfulness of mundane consciousness, mindfulness of supramundane heavenly consciousness, 3 nirvana attributes of No-Self, Universal Compassion and Panna Wisdom.
(4) Persistent devotion and mindfulness of fulfillment of his/her Bodhi Vows.
(1) Mundane consciousness - the 5 Mental Aggregates of 5-sense consciousness, feelings, perception, judgement, mental formation.
(2) Supramundane heavenly consciousness - concentration of form jhana, concentration of formless jhana
(3) Supramundane nirvana consciousness - mindfulness of mundane consciousness, mindfulness of supramundane heavenly consciousness, 3 nirvana attributes of No-Self, Universal Compassion and Panna Wisdom.
(4) Persistent devotion and mindfulness of fulfillment of his/her Bodhi Vows.