Hadi: DAP is 'faeces' excreted by PAP
ricky l
What this PAS guy say is highly offensive.
Why did PAS spat with DAP - pull in Singapore into their quarrel?
PAS should apologise to Singapore for such uncouth remarks.
Why did PAS spat with DAP - pull in Singapore into their quarrel?
PAS should apologise to Singapore for such uncouth remarks.
- lizThere is no need to make a mountain out of a molehill, especially if the intention is to provoke. It is actually an insult to DAP, not PAP. Don't bite the bait.
In any case, it appears more like an attempt to smear his opponent with political allusions.
Or a retaliation for the joke our comedians made about their leader. - ricky lThis chap on the surface meant to insult DAP, but on a more mischievous if not sinister innuendo suggest that DAP is a political off-shoot of a Singapore political party - which is obviously no true.
Malaysia's politics is not by any means influence by Singapore - and this chap must not hint otherwise.
- lizDid he explicitly say that Singapore is in cahoots with DAP? No. We should certainly do something if he has crossed that line, but right now, it is only allusions and he can always deny his allusions and that makes us look like petty quarrelsome people who are provoked at the slightest ambiguous hint.
Do you want to be played by cunning people who constantly make allusions especially if it is not true? The innocent do not need to do anything and being too defensive could backfire. We've got better things to do and more important issues to worry about than waste time digging for worthless apologies. For what? To soothe our self-esteem? Forced apologies do not mean anything to me. They have to be voluntary and sincere.
You guys can argue and waste time on petty quarrels and willingly be played by cunning people but please do not drag the whole nation into stupid circuses.
Thanks. - ricky l"Is that wrong? While we are working among Malay Muslims, the DAP had also been working with outside powers to discuss Malaysian politics. Is that ok?"
How do you interpret what this guys say "DAP had also been working with outside powers to discuss Malaysian politics"?
- lizAre you aware that one of their political parties (not sure if it is DAP) had admitted to foreign funding? That was a western power. Outside powers means only PAP? Please, get a grip.
Again, you can post whatever response you want here to what he said but please, there is no need to get our feet wet until he crosses the line.
There are real threats that deserve more attention from our government than this 'insult'. - ricky lWell he is a politician, a leader of a political party.
He make a statement that imply we are working with another political party to influence their internal politics.
Ex-administration often like to use us as whipping boy - during their election period. Though not the current administration.
This politician attempt to try the same technique again.
If it ends here. Then we need not bother about it - but hopefully, politicians across the straits does not imply that "that our silence, means admission of fact" based on this guy false accusation.
Should other politicians pick this up and make a fuss about it and we do not clarify to debunk this false accusation now ---- then we are doing ourselves a disfavor for not debunking a false accusation make.
It is a risk and a judgement call. - ricky lThis politician is addressing the voters in a State.
If this voters become emotional - thinking that a foreign country collude with a political party - and no one correct his false accusation ---- then nationalism may brew causing a larger problem.
So is a judgement call.
We don't want trouble - but neither do we want others to exploit us to cause trouble - because it may have adverse side effects on us.
Eg. you may go in to the State as tourist and the voters who got emotional may bash you up when nationalism go out of control.
Debunking this chap false accusation will prevent a lie becoming truth.
- lizricky l, it is their internal affairs, let them sort it out themselves unless we are openly accused. As of now, it is getting messy - DAP is now telling PAS to prove involvement by US and Singapore even though PAS did not name the countries.
See, allusions have now led to assumptions and what next? If Singapore attempts to get involve by clarify myths, who knows? We could really be accused.
So, we should stay away. But if you insist on meddling, you will be responsible for the potential hot mess we could be entangled in. - ricky lActually i am not eager to get Singapore involve in Malaysia politics.
As long as they don't exploit us for their gain.