Thursday, April 6, 2017

ricky l

Steve Bannon clashes with Jared Kushner over White House policy

Rachel Roberts
The official added: “There is a big fight going on. It’s all about policy. There’s tension on trade, health care, immigration, taxes, terrorism, you name it.”
Another official reportedly said that Mr Bannon “thinks Jared is worse than a Democrat… Steve has a very specific vision for what he believes, and what he shares with Trump. And he has for a long time now seen (Mr Kushner) as a major obstacle to achieving that.”
Outlets including The New York Times reported that Mr Bannon has considered resigning from the Trump team altogether following the failure of two key policies he is believed to have orchestrated – the travel ban against seven Muslim-majority nations and the repeal and replacement of Obamacare

Steve Bannon is a holocaust guy - that will trigger Global Trade war and World War 3.
Steve Bannon's ideologies on trade, on security and relationship with other Countries - are hostile, isolationist and will likely to invite reciprocal retaliation from allies, trading partners and friends alike.

It is better for Steve Bannon to resign from the White House.

Without privy to Mr Kushner specific ideas on trade, security and foreign relationship - a clash of ideas with Steve Bannon - suggest Mr Kushner sound more a sensible, reasonable and logical guy that will not only advance US trade and security interest - but will also achieve mutual benefits for US allies, trading partners and friends.

Steve Bannon, suggest you resign. It will be good for both US and US allies, trading partners and friends.

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