Thursday, March 2, 2017

Trump slump? Signs of drop in international tourism to US

The U.S. Travel Association says the Trump administration's policies appear to be hurting the demand for travel to the United States

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  • This is the 1st moment of truth from taking confrontational measures - that boomerang and hurt the economic well beings of US business and jobs. 
  • Cancelling TPP will also have boomerang effects on US trade.
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    • Which tourists and travellers who carry money - who are in the right mind will visit a Country - that ban nationals of other Countries, that adopt hostile and confrontational stance on all other Countries trade, business and investment and that build a big, long Great Wall of America to prevent people from entering US? 
    • This is a logical and appropriate outcome. 
    • In the short and medium term, more and more people will buy less goods and services that are made in US - because it is expensive, and unfriendly to other Countries.
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      • Which tourists and travellers who are in the right mind - will want to visit a Country that values "alternative facts - rather than facts", who value "isolationism - rather than collaboration and friendship", who value "all the negative moral values - rather than positive values". 

      • Tourists and travellers will rather travel to Countries that upheld good moral values and positive values - that exude positive energy - rather than everyday hearing and seeing "negativity, falsehood, hellish lies, scandals and garbages - pardon my languages".
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        • No tourists and travellers want their children to learn the moral values in US now.

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