Saturday, March 11, 2017

ricky l

Hate speech Myanmar monk banned from sermons by Buddhist council

AFP News
Monks that preach sermons are known as Venerables.

And Venerable Monks are suppose to preach sermon that follow closely what the Buddha taught.

First and foremost, the 1st precept - refrain from killings, violence, murder. This is the most important sermon from Buddha under the values of Universal Compassion.
Any Venerable Monks that infringe this particular sermon - is not conveying Buddha value of Universal Compassion - and is a "false monk".

False speech, the 3rd precept - must be refrained.
As Venerable Monks that can influence hundreds, thousands or millions of disciples, preaching the correct sermons is of utmost vital important.
False speech - is where a Venerable Monk teach the wrong values to so many disciples and worst inciting hatred, violence, murder, mass killings ----- is a deviant of Buddha's Teachings.

Both of the above sins - committed by this Monk - will inherit the karma of "Avici Hell" bound - the deepest Hell of Sufferings.

Hence Mynammar Religious Authorities must cleanse its Monastic Order - that are "false monks" which are not conveying the correct teachings and values of the Buddha's Teachings.

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