Sunday, March 12, 2017

ricky l

China says trade war will only bring "pain"

AFP News
The assertion provoked a warning from China's commerce ministry that attempts to ignore the organisation’s rules could lead to "a repetition of the trade war of the 1930s."

In 1930s, US start the trade war worldwide.
It trigger the 1930s Deep Depression - that have the domino effect of bring down trade through protectionism and trade war worldwide.

It lead to worldwide business failure and unemployment that go into double figures and even triple figures.

It lead to chaos in pulling down many Governments.

Finally, some Countries started regional war to divert attention - and lead to WW2 - causing millions and millions of death and massive destruction.

US is now on the verge of triggering a smiliar scenarios - that mirror the 1930s.

Trump beware !!!

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