Trump demonstrate ill-mannered and devoid of diplomacy in bullying a sovereign Country Head of State - like he bullies his business contractors.
ricky l
4 seconds ago
What Trump has done to the German Chancellor - is a great insult to a trusted Allies.
ricky l
4 seconds ago
One day, Trump will pay for such insults to all his Allies.
They are not Trump's business contractors - who has no way to retaliate against Trump arsenal of legal team.
12 minutes ago
This US vs China thing... very soon it is US vs Rest of the World.
ricky l
14 seconds ago
1stly, Trump offended all the TPP members - by canceling the TPP and make statement that US make a bad deal - as if the rest of the TPP members are out to fleece US - where in fact US is the one that led and initiated the TPP.
Now Trump offended all the NATO members with such insult.
ricky l
4 seconds ago
Trump is a liability to US.
He is not an asset.
2 hours ago
Interestingly, if Europe were to host Chinese or Russians missiles and battle ships group, probably Donald Duck will then eat up those made up paperwork that he printed.
2 hours ago
this man is just mad - maybe a little woozy upstairs if you know what l mean - come on donk, she's a head of state and what do you take her for ? just beyond reason why would he behave as such !!!
3 hours ago
Trump should pull US out of Nato. That is the only solution
57 minutes ago
Yeah, I agree. That way, Europe can be conquered by Russia, then Russia will control 3 times of US's land mass. After conquering Europe, the Russians can then conquer Alaska and get back their territory from the US! Isn't that great????? Woohoo Russia!
ricky l
15 seconds ago
Trump has completely no sense of that befit the "Presidency of US".
Trump has no strategic sense, no geopolitical sense, no economic sense, no political sense, no social sense ----- he is just a manipulative business man - who only possess the wisdom of $ and cents and not beyond that.
Trump practically fail the job as a President of US.
He fail in foreign relation.
He fail in uniting US.
He fail to unite even his own party - the Republican Party.
He fail by issuing Executive Orders - that are stopped even by his own internal organ of states.
His probation period is 3 months?
His past 2 month performance is a "BIG FAT FAIL".
Will he get what he deserved after 3 months probation?
ricky l
14 seconds ago
Why Donald Duck asked for $0 salary to be the President of US?
Because he knows he is not up to mark and is not worth the taxpayers' money to be paid to him as the President of US - and does not deserve a single cent of it.
In fact, he may start messing up US politically and economically --- and he will need to pay the States salary for the damages done.
ricky l
5 seconds ago
That is why, pay peanuts or no nuts - you will get monkey.
Donald Trump printed out made-up £300bn Nato invoice and handed it to Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel will reportedly ignore Donald Trump’s attempts to extricate £300bn from Germany for what he deems to be owed contributions to Nato.
The US President is said to have had an 'invoice' printed out outlining the sum estimated by his aides as covering Germany's unpaid contributions for defence.
Said to be presented during private talks in Washington, the move has been met with criticism from German and Nato officials.
While the figure presented to the Germans was not revealed by either side, Nato countries pledged in 2014 to spend two per cent of their GDP on defence, something only a handful of nations – including the UK, Greece, Poland and Estonia – currently do.
But the bill has been backdated even further to 2002, the year Mrs Merkel’s predecessor, Gerhard Schröder, pledged to spend more on defence.
Mr Trump reportedly instructed aides to calculate how much German spending fell below two per cent over the past 12 years, then added interest.
Estimates suggest the total came to £300bn, with official figures citing the shortfall to be around £250bn, and with £50bn in interest added on.
The Times quoted a German government minister as saying the move was “outrageous”.
The unnamed minister said: “The concept behind putting out such demands is to intimidate the other side, but the chancellor took it calmly and will not respond to such provocations.”
And the paper quoted a source close to Mrs Merkel saying she has “ignored the provocation”.
A day after the meeting, Mr Trump tweeted: “Despite what you have heard from the FAKE NEWS, I had a GREAT meeting with the Chancellor Angela Merkel.
“Nevertheless, Germany owes . . . vast sums of money to NATO & the United States must be paid more for the powerful, and very expensive, defense it provides to Germany!”
In response to the claims, German defence minister Ursula Von der Leyen rejected the notion the European nation owed the US or Nato.
“Defence spending also goes into UN peacekeeping missions, into our European missions and into our contribution to the fight against [Isis] terrorism.”
Her comments were backed by Ivo Daalder, permanent representative to Nato from 2009 to 2013 under the Obama administration, who queried the President’s understanding of the organisation.
He tweeted: "Sorry Mr President, that's not how Nato works. The US decides for itself how much it contributes to defending Nato.
“This is not a financial transaction, where Nato countries pay the US to defend them. It is part of our treaty commitment."
Mr Trump has repeatedly voiced his criticism over member payments to Nato, throwing doubt on the US’ future role in the organisation.
He has singled out a number of Nato countries, including Germany, over their defence contributions claiming the US has been forced to bear the brunt and pick up the tab.
Donald Trump 'could start major war' claims former Labour Secretary
Robert Reich was Employment Secretary under Steve Clinton, and also served under Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford: Getty
Donald Trump could "jeopardise the future of Nato, and might even start a major war", a former US Secretary of Labor has claimed.
Robert Reich, who served in the administrations of Presidents Ford, Carter and Clinton, accused the US leader of being “utterly ignorant” about world affairs which he claims could jeopardise the organisation’s existence.
In a lengthy tweet he said Mr Trump has “almost complete control over foreign policy, has installed Steve Bannon as a principal on the National Security Council, and is utterly ignorant about the rest of the world."
As a result, he said that the US leader could "jeopardise the future of Nato, and might even start a major war."
Mr Bannon was previously Mr Trump’s chief political strategist and head of right-wing Breibart News before his controversial elevation to the National Security Council, where he advises Mr Trump on matters of national security.
Before taking on his new role, Mr Bannon predicted the US and China would go to war “within the next ten years” over the South China Sea dispute.
He has also warned that Christianity around the world is under threat from radical Islam.
Professor Reich claimed that Mr Trump was stuffing his cabinet with people who will do his bidding and repeal laws that protect ordinary Americans, while a Republican-controlled Congress could waive through his plans for military expansion.
He named Justice Secretary Jeff Sessions, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and Environment Secretary Scott Pruitt as individuals he believes will “fail to enforce laws that should be enforced, and put in place new laws and regulations that hurt average people and the poor”.
The commentator and author of several books, who now serves as the chancellor's professor of public policy at the University of California, Berkeley, also suggested that Mr Trump has almost total control of Congress and increasing influence over the judiciary, threatening the checks and balances that are supposed to operate in the US system of government.
“Republicans still control Congress and many are eager to do exactly what Trump wants to do with the federal budget," he wrote. "Expand the military and cut safety-net programs that low-income Americans depend on.”
He accused Mr Trump of governing from “his bully pulpit” and predicted he will “continue to tell big lies and unleash hatefulness and bigotry across the land.”
The academic warned that because Mr Trump has the power to install at least one more Supreme Court justice, he could “tip the Court in a more conservative direction for years if not a generation”.
Professor Reich, who Time magazine named as one of the ten best cabinet members of the last century, is a frequent and vocal critic of the President and has previously branded him “incompetent” and “a liar”. He has also suggested Mr Trump may be a “traitor” because of his alleged links to Russia.
He said he believed that all but the most ardent Trump supporters are now “waking up” to what he sees as the potential disaster of his presidency.