More training and salary measures to help unemployed PMETs: Lim Swee Say

I approached these e2i, CDAC, CDC, SCALA, SIRS, Caliberlink etc before, my conclusion is don't put too much hope on them, don't expect
- ricky le2i, CDAC, CDC, Caliberlink, Future skills credit, job portal, learn and adapt, train and placement etc - that are set up by the Government to help Singaporeans workers, PMETs to find jobs are critical and must be effective.
Because increasingly, industries, business and jobs are increasingly being disrupted - and Singaporean workers, PMETs in their careers along the way - may lose their jobs - and will need these agencies, initiative and assistance to get Singaporean workers, PMETs re-employed.
Notice that now these agencies, future skill credit, job portal, learn and adapt, train and placement etc - and linkages to business and organisation - are still very flimsy --- and not strongly link -- in tapping these source as reliable supplies of manpower to the business and to the enterprise.
Until we see a strong linkages between these agencies, initiatives and programme - with the business and enterprise --- the Government must persevere to make these a success -- because disruptive technologies - do constantly disrupt business and jobs.
These programme seems to be the only way to ensure re-employment of workers losing jobs in their career as well as a rejuvenated source of manpower for the workforce. - ricky lNow I think there are still alot of challenges :-
(1) Economic situation is still bleak and global political situation is uncertain - this dampen business activities - thus will adopt a conservative stance in job openings.
(2) Enterprises are still restructuring, still transforming - if not in steady state, it will hold up on providing jobs.
(3) Unemployed PMETs, workers will also pull back in training - because there is no certainty that upon training, a job is guaranteed.
Since e2i, CDAC, CDC, Caliberlink, Future skills credit, job portal, learn and adapt, - are only conduits, middlemen - to link manpower to jobs ----- it is facing a challenging time.
But the link between these agencies, programme, initiative must crystallised as a reliable source of manpower supplies - that are wanted by the enterprises and business --- else constant disruption - that will disrupt business and jobs will continue.