Canada trade agency picks Singapore for Asia gateway as TPP flounders
ricky l
Canada has more foresight than Trump - in realising that Global Trade is the way to prosperity and Global Trade will bloom more in Asia Pacific than with US under Trump.

ricky l
This will make Trump learn more and more lessons - when he falter on his wall, his Trumpcare health package, and now his isolationist ideas on Trade.
Hopefully Trump will learn more and more lessons that many of his unorthodox ideas - don't work in this real World ---- and Trump will need to seek more professional advices that work in the real World.
Else this 4 years will be a wasted years for US.
Hopefully Trump will learn more and more lessons that many of his unorthodox ideas - don't work in this real World ---- and Trump will need to seek more professional advices that work in the real World.
Else this 4 years will be a wasted years for US.

ricky l
Also forgot to mention Trump travel ban - also won't work.
- idiotmeFirst, I don't like trump. Because of the way he talks, the way he try to insinuate at things.
But I have seen some of the videos, and yes the full video. People like to put words into his mouth.
He was not against immigration, but ILLEGAL immigration.
He was not against trade, but is after fair trade. What is fair trade, only he knows.
US Protectionism in trade?
China has their protectionism methods, Germany has theirs too. Even Vietnam and Japan has too.
The difference is the extent.
I'm more interested what he do, and the results. - ricky lTrump cancel TPP led and initiated by US.
Does it mean that TPP is not a fair trade deal?
Only US sacrifice and other TPP members did not sacrifice? - ricky lTrump did not even take the initiative of looking at the details of the TPP - and the 1st thing he did in office is to cancel TPP - like the rest are beholden to him.
Trump then need to learn his lesson - a hard one - a political lesson - not to be cocky.
- ricky lTrump is both rash and reckless - and did not examine the merits of each deals and each policies carefully.
He just tweet and shoot off his mouth --- without contemplating the consequences of each deal and each policy --- that impact the lives of many people.
Trump is a President of US - and each move - rational or reckless - will have tremendous impact - not only to US but also the World.
Look at Trump reckless move in TPP - 12 TPP members of few hundred million people lives are impacted.
Look at the travel ban of 6 Countries.
Look at the repeal of the Health bill - impacting so many insured Americans.
Look at the multi-billion dollar wall.
All are rash, irrational and reckless move -- sitting in office signing away Executive Orders - ya ya - papaya - kepala kalapa ---- with no consideration of their consequences.
And Trump need to learn hard and expensive lessons - of the consequences of his reckless, rash tweets, actions, speeches, Executive Orders ....
- ricky lPosted in :-
March 22, 2017
Governing a Country is more than $ and cents - not like running a business empire.
There is something call strategic interest.
Security interest.
Economic interest.
Social interest.
Political interest.
Geopolitical interest.
And many others.
Trump is far from possessing the Wisdom to understand the above - and treat US Allies like he is running his Trump empires as a group of Trump contractors.
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ricky l00
ricky l 13 seconds ago
When Trump mismanage his business ventures, the worst that can come to Trump - is to declare bankrupt and shutdown his business ventures - in which he has been doing in some of his business ventures.
But when Trump is running the Country --- Trump cannot bully other Countries especially US Allies, Trading partners, Security partners.
Even a small Country can cause collateral damage to US - if Trump mismanage the foreign relationship.
It can be security damage, economic damage, political damage, geopolitical damage etc.
Trump lack the wisdom to understand this ---- and will be learning it the hard way.
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- ricky lThe Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is an "important path" - one that Vietnam should consider, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said as he wrapped up a four-day visit in Vietnam on Friday (Mar 24).
“On the RCEP, I encourage Vietnam to take a forward-leaning approach because the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) is important, but it’s not the only way of promoting trade liberalisation. The RCEP is another important path,” said PM Lee.
The future of the TPP has been on the rocks since the United States withdrew from the pact in January.
This is the lesson that Trump should learn.
The World will pass Trump-led US by - if Trump mismanage the foreign relation and trade deal.
No one will wait for Trump as he fumble and ridicule other Countries.
- ricky lWhen you mention Trump is against "Illegal Immigration" ---- does it mean that all the 6 Countries where he issue travel ban are all "Illegal immigrants"?
- ricky lNo politicians will tell off Trump on all the above - as politicians need to observe diplomacy.
Let netizens lecture him and tell him off - that Trump did not do a good job - and must learn to mend his ways to be a better President ---- because all the American lives depend on him and his aides.
The World will be impacted by what he says, he tweets, his Executive Orders, his actions.
Wise decisions and actions will bring wholesome outcomes.
Unwise decicions, rash and reckless desions bring adverse impactful outcomes - not only affecting US but also the World.
No one will sit idly by - and let Trump mess up the World and US.
- ricky lIn case you don't understand "ya ya - papaya - kepala kalapa".
ya ya - papaya ---- means "extremely cocky and condescending".
kepala kalapa ----- means in Malay "cannot get through his thick coconut head".
And "ya ya - papaya - kepala kalapa" - rhyme - and perfectly match "Trump's attributes".
Two months in, Trump suffers string of defeats
By AFPPUBLISHED: 02:18 GMT, 25 March 2017 | UPDATED: 02:18 GMT, 25 March 2017
US President Donald Trump was forced to withdraw a health care bill, leaving his major campaign pledge to dismantle his predecessor's health care reforms unfulfilledPresident Donald Trump suffered a bitter defeat in his first major legislative challenge as Republican lawmakers shot down his effort to repeal Obamacare. It was the latest in a string of major setbacks to have hit his two-month-old presidency.- Travel bans -Just one week after his inauguration, Trump issued an executive order banning travelers from seven majority-Muslim countries and all refugees. Unveiled with no prior warning, it sowed travel chaos and confusion, and ignited worldwide outrage.However, in a humiliating setback for the president, a court in Washington state blocked the order on the grounds that it violated the constitution's prohibition of religious discrimination.After the block was upheld on appeal, the administration issued a revised ban it said would better adhere to the law. It would close US borders to nationals of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days, and all refugees for at least 120 days. Iraq was on the original ban but removed in the revision.Still, courts in Maryland Hawaii dealt the White House a new blow this month, ruling that the second ban also discriminated against Muslims.Although it does not mention Muslims, the courts have accepted arguments that Trump's statements while he was running for president last year -- that he would open his White House term with a ban on Muslim arrivals -- effectively defined his approach.The case will next be heard in a federal appeals court in Richmond, Virginia.- Russia -Since US intelligence agencies last year took the unprecedented step of publicly accusing Russia of trying to swing November's presidential election in Trump's favor, questions have swirled about whether some in his campaign colluded with Moscow.At least four separate congressional investigations are underway into Moscow's election meddling. Democrats argue that the interference, in which the Kremlin oversaw a campaign to hack Democratic Party emails that were later leaked, contributed to Hillary Clinton's defeat.The cloud hanging over the White House mushroomed last month when Trump's national security adviser Michael Flynn resigned after it emerged that he had misled the White House over meeting Russia's Ambassador in Washington Sergey Kislyak before taking office.Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from any Russia-related inquiries soon after, following the revelation that he also met Kislyak before Trump took office, contrary to Sessions's testimony during his confirmation hearing.In a high-stakes public hearing in Congress on Monday, FBI Director James Comey took the extraordinary step of confirming the agency is investigating whether Trump campaign aides colluded with the Russian effort to influence the election. He also repudiated the president's claim that he was wiretapped by Barack Obama.Both the House and Senate Intelligence Committees will hold more public hearings in the coming weeks.- Health care -On Friday, Trump was forced to withdraw an embattled Republican health care bill moments before a vote, leaving his major campaign pledge to dismantle his predecessor's health care reforms unfulfilled.The plan, intended to bring free-market competition to the insurance industry and lower the cost of premiums for most Americans, would have slashed public assistance to people with no health coverage through their employers. Some 14 million people stood to lose their coverage starting next year, forecasts said.Trump had thrown his full political weight behind the measure, spending days arm-twisting recalcitrant Republicans.The billionaire real estate tycoon -- who entered the White House with no experience of politics or government -- had put his reputation as a dealmaker on the line with the high-risk vote.But the bill now appears dead, with Republican lawmakers urging a return to the drawing board.Trump said he would shift quickly toward tax reform, another longstanding Republican goal.