In Mosul, a heavy but not crushing blow to IS group
ricky l
This win over IS in Mosul will definitely go to Obama and Iraq - with almost negligible US casualties.
Unlike many body bags in the previous Middle East war.
Unlike many body bags in the previous Middle East war.

ricky l
Right strategy executed with finesse - patient and surgical ---- will defeat IS convincingly without fireworks and carpet bombings with collateral damage.

ricky l
If Trump as Commander-in-Chief command future conflicts --- let see how will Trump perform.

ricky l
This show that war are fought and won "using brain" ---- not "brute force".

ricky l
Hopefully he will not turn it to be Chaos-in-Chief.

ricky l
The travel ban on the 6 Countries already turning to be "chaotic" - and if IS hide in these 6 Countries, wonder how will US troop go to fight them.
Trump will become "Chaos-in-Chief".
Trump will become "Chaos-in-Chief".

ricky l
And Trump forces will be face with hostile forces all round - when landed in these 6 Countries - surrounded not only by IS militants - but everyone else.

ricky l
And Trump instead of getting intelligence from the locals on IS whereabouts in these 6 Countries - will get no intelligence but bullets.

ricky l
And Trump will respond by brute force - carpet bombings - civilian casualties, but fail to target the IS militants who are in hidings - with no intelligence to do a proper surgical, targeted shots.

ricky l
Already seeing Trump messing up the well laid strategies and the finesse executions that is defeating IS.
Now Trump has messed it up with his "hurriedly, attention seeking, credit searching" - Executive Order travel ban.
Let see how Trump is going to clean up the mess, and how is he going to square off with the IS militants - who will come back and restage the fight.
Now Trump has messed it up with his "hurriedly, attention seeking, credit searching" - Executive Order travel ban.
Let see how Trump is going to clean up the mess, and how is he going to square off with the IS militants - who will come back and restage the fight.