Infantino: Travel ban could hurt U.S. 2026 World Cup bid
trump's travel ban won't harm the 2026 world cup bid ... by 2021, the us will have elected a president who stills retains some sanity and who will reverse many of the shameful polices trump enacts
- ricky lBut as of now, Trump is the President and he did issue an Executive Order of travel ban.
If US is bidding for the World Cup bid, his travel ban will have disqualified him for the bid. - ricky lThere must always be consequences for any wholesome and unwholesome actions make.
- ricky lElse Trump will speak, tweet and act with impunity - if there are no consequences.
- ricky lWell faulting Trump World Cup bid - will make him lose many tourists and visitors - which are translated to losing tourism dollars.
Well Trump can afford it - and just let him lose more $$$$$ - many accumulated painful lessons --- so that one day he will wake up.
- ricky lAlso credibility, integrity, trustworthiness have been totally demolished by Trump.
Future Presidents will have a hard time convincing the rest of the World that US can be trusted to honor international agreement made ---- looking at how Trump cancel TPP, renegotiate NAFTA, intend to dishonor Climate Pact, threaten to disregard nuclear deal sign, travel ban against constitution etc.
US credibility is at stake - and will take held lot of efforts by future Presidents to restore it.
- MarkYahoo, you're desperate!!!!!!! Do you honestly think Mr T gives a excrement about this. He's trying to save his country so go ***** yourselves!
- MMichelleNo. He's doing this for his ego. He doesn't care about the country or saving it.
- AndrewWell said Mark
- TonySave his country? Seriously? Wait and see!!!
- esteban el tritonwell if he is trying to save his country he is going about it stupidly one of the countries which has committed the worst terrorist attack in USA is exempt from the travel ban,, 9/11 terrorists were all from saudi arabia, and what about Norway, the worst single handed terrorist attack in recent history was by a Norwegian christian terrorist, anders behring breivik
- PhillipSure is, if anyone is going to #$%$ you over he wants it to be him and not some damn foreigner.
- SIMONHe is trying to #$%$ over whilst attending to his ego. On the other hand the ban is only for 120 days and qualifying begins in 5 years!
- SimonSpoken like a true Trump supporter! "Yahoo you're desperate" Desperate for reporting on what the head of Fifa has said? Isn't that what news agencies do? But go ahead, blame Yahoo for the actions of Fifa.
- ricky lTrump will make US lost all its international space.
Trump will make every Country avoiding and ignoring US in the international space.
Soon Trump will find himself leading US into a very isolated and lonely World - ignore by many Countries in the World - and lose its World influence. - ricky l4 years - is a long time.
By 4 years time, let see what is the standing of US - in the eyes of the World - whether economically, politically, socially.