Friday, March 17, 2017

ricky l

Military action against North Korea an 'option': Tillerson

Park Chan-Kyong
AFP News
Military action by the United States against nuclear-armed North Korea is an "option on the table" if the threat from the rogue regime escalates, Washington's top diplomat Rex Tillerson said Friday.
"Certainly we do not want to, for things to get to military conflict," he said. "If they elevate the threat of their weapons programme to a level that we believe require action, then, that option's on the table."
Like 先知 - can foresee the future :-
ricky l 17 seconds ago
Posted in :-

January 11, 2017
ricky l 17 seconds ago
The most likely major conflict happening in Asia Pacific region should be :-
(1) Korea war - quite likely when US and allied sense that ICBM become real


A war breaking out against N Korea is increasingly possible - because karma is ripening.
See less

Posted in :-
March 14, 2017
ricky l 11 seconds ago
N Korea fail to understand that - the closer the N Korea develop its ICBM capabilities and its nuclear capabilities ---- the closer the N Korea is in danger.

N Korea just fail to realise this --- and want to keep going without stopping.

ricky l00
ricky l 1 second ago
Iran understand the danger - and know how to stop.

N Korea fail to understand the danger - and don't know how to stop.

ricky l00
ricky l 1 second ago
And N Korea is too ruthless to their own people - torture, execution, humiliation ......


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