Thursday, July 24, 2014

U.N. panel tells Japan to compensate "comfort women"

Published on Jul 25, 2014 4:56 AM

Actually recognising and acknowledging the atrocities done in history, learned from it so as not to repeat it and genuinely repent from it - is a heroic move.

Germany is a shining example - and now stand tall in the eyes of the World.

Only when these are done, can historic negative karmic seeds be erased. Germany experience is certainly a testimony to it - as Germany is a good friends and good neighbours of all her past adversaries.

Conversely, Japan is still mired in adversary with both China and S Korea because the historic karma seeds are still not eradicated and nip from the bud unlike Germany.

Japan will face a much easier time as compared to now if Japan is as brave as Germany in facing up to history to eradicate their residual negative karma - and their fallen ancestors will be able to leave the paranormal realm much earlier to be rebirth into a better realm.

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