Monday, July 14, 2014

Govt can't rule out further changes to tax system, use of investment returnsPosted on Jul 9, 2014 4:04 PM Updated: Jul 9, 2014 9:13 PM


By Andrea Ong

babe 15 hours ago

Maybe want to consider this :-

(1) Should not spend all the returns from investing the nation's reserves.

(2) Should not save all and plough back all the returns from investing the nation's reserves.

(3) Should consider working out a formula to save some and plough back the returns from investing the nation's reserves and spend some on the returns from investing the nation's reserves on social spendings due to ageing population.
By doing so, the National Reserve can continue to grow and at the same time, can help the ageing citizens through social spending - "Best of Both World".


In other words, spend half, save half - not spend all or save all if possible will be the best.

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