ricky l • Remove
If China and Japan military ever fight - it means the World 2nd largest Economy and the 3rd largest Economy - are burning the money to finance unnecessary war - that will impact the World Economy.Reply
If China and Japan's fight draw in US into the fray - it means the World 2nd largest Economy. the 3rd largest Economy and the World largest Economy - will totally derail the World Economy - with unnecessary war - that will likely trigger a World War 3 if many countries are drawn into the fray.
Thus, all must be very prudent - whether disputes can be resolved using peaceful means :-
through dialogue and negotiation, arbitration and mediation, international courts for judgement rather than resorting to military force and coercion.
ricky l • Remove
No one win in a war.
Everyone is a loser.
Only when there is "give and take", where there is "mutual benefit", where there is "win-win" solution - through negotiation, through mediation, through court's judgement - can both sides resolve their disputes amicably without the need to resort to military actions or war.
ricky l • Remove
And the worst thing is that, the justification for war - is only over some islands - where on the map - is just like some speck of dust - where the economic value is not even worth the while to haggle over it.
Really does a few islands - worthwhile to derail billions and trillions dollars of World Economy.
Really does a few islands - worthwhile to sacrifice soldier's, navy's airforce lives as well as sacrificing civilians' life?
Really does a few islands - worthwhile to trigger a Regional War that may draw in other Countries - and may even snowball into a World War 3?
All just because of some "small speck of dust" ?
Totally out of proportion......
ricky l • Remove
Countries should pride themselves for their abilities to strike a deal diplomatically - because this represent the "True Wisdom" of Political Leaders.
Using force that cause a trail of destruction - have nothing to be proud of - as there are no display of Wisdom - just muscle and might only.

ricky l • Remove
For eg. in those countries that always fight - whether war or civil war - are they richer or poorer? are there more casaulties, more death, more miseries, more sufferings, more infrastrucutre damage and destruction?
For those Countries that don't fight, in peace - are there enjoying more prosperity, more richer, more harmony, more peace?
Then why fight - neh? and over some small "specks of dust"?
ricky l • Remove
Why more praise and more weight - should be given to Countries who resolved their disputes diplomatically, politcally and economically neh,? Because it will help both Countries to continue to build their wealth, higher standard of living for their people and win respect from members of International Community - everyone happy - because it is a "Constructive outcome".
Why scorn on emphasis to resolve issure to military might and confrontation neh ? - because i die, you die - other countries drag in also die - everyone die - of course everyone not happy - because it is a "Destructive outcome".
So why discard Good Outcome and choose Destructive outcome neh? - no praise for military might and confrontation.
Praise for dispute that can use and put weight on Political Wisdom - to resolve dispute amicably and strike a "Win-Win" deal.
ricky l • Remove
More than half a Century of Peace in Asia Pacific Region - where nice infrastructure grows, development sprout around us, peace and harmony is a given, many living in cities, comfortable lives, prosperity is everywhere, security and safety is given ----- why suddenly take such "Living Paradise" for granted and decide to lockhorn, decide to go at one another's throat neh?
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