Sunday, July 6, 2014

Pope denounces 'scourge of unemployment'
Published on Jul 6, 2014 6:38 AM
The statement :-

"Pope Francis denounced "the scourge of unemployment" during a visit to one of Italy’s poorest regions on Saturday, and said businesses had a responsibility to help get people back into work.

"It is necessary to put human dignity at the centre of every point of view and every action. Other interests, even if legitimate, are secondary," he told a crowd of thousands during a mass in the Molise region. "Employment is a challenge that is the particular responsibility of institutions, the financial world and business."

particularly "the scourge of unemployment" - said businesses had a responsibility to help get people back into work. --- best describe how business working under the ruthless competitive climate that drive many workers out of work - should inherit the social responsibilites of getting the jobless back into work - and not let them slump into despair and poverty - through joblessness and no income - where the whole family suffered with the breadwinners.

Hence "Socialist Capitalism" is the best Economic System to replace Raw Capitalism or Planned Economy - to build a truly "Inclusive Economic System" = let us call it "Sun Wheel Socialist Capitalism" - yeh !!!

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