Friday, July 11, 2014

NLB: Withdrawn books will be destroyed
Yahoo Newsroom Wed, Jul 9, 2014

0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentricky l a second agoRemove
Books promote a culture and can influence and shape how the children's think with regard to what is acceptable and what is not acceptable.

Promote the right values, children will learn and imprint with the right values.
Promote the wrong values, children will learn and imprint with the wrong values.

Militants also learn their value system based on what they read - and shape by the thoughts of what they read that inspire them.


ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Even adults - on militancy - cannot differentiate what is right or wrong based on what they read and how they are inspired by what they read.

What makes everyone thinks that children will be more Enlightened than Adults?
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Wholesome values versus Unwholesome values (that try to justified their values as wholesome preying on Misplaced Compassion) - 本是一念之差。 
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
I think we can coexist and accommodate LBTG if they operate within their own spaces, but when they come in strongly to promote their values openly and try to influence the mainstream that goes again the Law of Nature - I think we must say no. 
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Else more children will become LBTG - because the books say so and publicly it is acceptable because they read it in the National Library. 
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
If such books are openly supported, then playboy and penthouse will also clamour to put their magazines in the "children corner" - and then try to justify "wholesomely" to say that all children are born "like this" - as per Law of Nature. 
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
If don't believe if you choose a focus group - and make the children that read a lot of heroism, swordfighting, supremacy.

Versus a focus group of children that read about children books.

You will see the difference. The 1st group will take sticks and "clin clin clin" to fight one another and try to be hero as opposed to the 2nd group. 

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