Friday, July 25, 2014

Earth missed solar catastrophe two years ago: NASA

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Not sure about this one.

But, the horrible vision of the Earth (not so much about the World) - being blown apart in a massive explosion - occur a few times on and off for the past many years ...............
 Not sure whether is it nuclear explosion (this is man-made - which is avoidable)


inter-celestial object hitting into Earth (no one can do anything - except to sit and pray)


Earth suck into a Black hole (no one can do anything - except to sit and pray).

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
But under the Universal Law of Impermanence - all 4 Great Elements (including celestial bodies in the Universe eg. Earth) - will not last forever.
It is subject to the vicious cycle of
⦁ birth,
⦁ formation,
⦁ live,
⦁ sickness (Earth is at this stage - known as Dharma Ending Age - where 小三灾 fuel by our human inherent 3 evil roots of Ignorance of the Universal Law, Greed/Attachment, Hatred/Anger - are damaging and destroying Earth resources with short-term view which in turn endanger humans and other animals)
⦁ death
⦁ rebirth ??? -- in another form through absorption in Black Hole, Supernova and new Earth will be born.

Like Life - eg. Human life and Animal life - we are familiar with (not to mention other life form - which cannot be seen by mundane human eyes - eg. paranormal realms, Supramundane realms).
Where Life - is make up of 5 mental aggregates of consciousness, feeling, perception, judgement, mental formation - which also will subject to :-
⦁ rising
⦁ staying
⦁ falling
⦁ re-arising.....

In other words, Earth will die one day.
Just like life, a life will also die one day.

It is how long we preserve Earth, rejuvenate Earth - to make Earth last longer to sustain us - the Human life.

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