Here comes the mail: 1.6 million Singaporeans to receive 2014 budget benefits

ricky l • Remove
In the beginning of 2nd half, the Government has focused alot of attention and effective policies on the following areas have been implemented, namely :-Reply
(1) Looking after the elderly - through the Pioneer Generation package
(2) Transport - by tendering of the operation of bus services in package minus capital. Changes in Cat A COE criteria.
(3) Healthcare - via MediShield Life
(4) Lower income - via GST voucher and many financial scheme
(5) SME productivity programme
But one very important and urgent one - is to solve the Unemployment of many matured 40 and above Singaporean PMETs and Workers who still remain unemployed for a long time.
The manpower situation must be urgently looked at. 火烧到皮股了。
ricky l • Remove
If not will the Government consider the below policy that will be very effective in solving the Unemployment of many matured 40 and above Singaporean PMETs and Workers (even unemployed yournger workers or housewife or those who are not actively in workforce but want to come back to work) almost overnight?
(1) Set aside S$1 billion as venture capital fund
(2) Each Ministries or Statutory Boards coin some Government Projects - that have "Silver Industry" in mind - that will tap on most if not all the various professional and technical skills of the Economy eg. Engineering, IT(network infrastructure, data centre, DR, consultancy, hardware, software), Finance, Accounting, HR, Healthcare, Social Service, Hospitality, Construction, Aerospace engineering, Marine engineering, Energy specialist (traditional or Eco-Friendly), Food & Beverages, Retail Service etc.
(3) Set aside 1 or 2 large industrial sites build to house these people for these projects.
(4) Training programme to train, on-job-training etc for those that need training to work on the projects.
(5) Run by Government Appointed Agencies like e2i or WDA - who will provide the training and allocate the right manpower resources to the projects.
SWOT Analysis & Cost & Benefit Analysis :-
Advantages of the above proposed policy to resolve the Unemployed Singaporeans especially those 40 and above :-
(1) The $1 billion venture capital fund set aside for this purpose are "Investment" not "Expenditure or Donation - which are social welfare expenditure - that once give away, cannot take back. This amount to $8 billion for Pioneer Generation Package + $4 billion CPF MediShield Life = $12 billuon". Comparatively, the $1 billion venture capital fund is a much smaller amount, is an investment (not an expenditure) and has the potential to reap Return On Investment (ROI).
(2) Create a "small internal" Economy - that will trigger a Circular Flow of Income that will come with a "Multiplier Effects" on the "Larger Economy". That is, an analogy - a smaller wheel with chain that enwrap the larger wheel and both row together - like a bicycle chain - the Economy will surge and become even more vibrant contributing to a even higher GDP growth.
(3) By 5 years or more - the $1 billion venture capital fund will have grow and earn back due to the "multiplier effects" - and this can be return and put back to the MOF coffer.
(4) Unemployed Singaporeans especially those 40 and above PMETs and workers - very happy - got jobs, got income, can feed family.
(5) Government also very happy - $1 billion venture capital fund will have grow and earn back due to the "multiplier effects" - MOF coffer grow - MOF happy. GDP grow - MTI happy. Unemployed Singaporeans got jobs and happy - thus MOM, WDA, e2i also happy because Singapore Manpower situation solve almost overnight. Singapore overall business happy - because the internal economy that trigger "multiplier effects" give them more business - thus Singapore resident in Singapore happy.
To conclude, this proposed manpower policy - is a "True Happy Policy" - & it is very effective policy to solve the current unemployed almost overnight.
Thus should it be given very serious, due consideration?
ricky l • Remove
Sorry, i mean a "True Happy Policy" - that will make everyone so "Happy" - then why not "Happily implement it neh"?
ricky l • Remove
And other benefits for Government and Singaporeans :-
(1) Complains about not enough CPF - will taper down - because got jobs up to 70 years old means got income, got saving, retirement savings also grow, thus CPF also grow - nothing to complain about CPF already - as enough money to use. In addition, if "kick the bucket" at 85, enough savings to last for 15 years.
CPF issue solved !
(2) Complains about not enough money to cover cost of living - also solved. Got jobs means got money - then cost of living no isssue - because as long as income cost - means got savings - then complains will reduce to a whimper.
Cost of Living issue solved !
(3) Active ageing issue - also solved. As aged got job to do - mind active, body active - Ageing active.
Active ageing issue solved !
(4) Welfare benefits can be reduced - because as long as people got job, got income - welfare benefits can be reduced.
Smaller welfare benefits issue solved !
(5) Xenophobic sentiment will also be much reduced - as long as Singaporeans got jobs, got income - wonder will they bother about Xenophobic sentiment?
Xenophobic sentiment issue solved !
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