By ANI | ANI – Mon, Jul 21, 2014
The below statement is posted just before the incident.
"If the going (trials, tests and tribulations) get too tough - and when real crisis come, the Living Bodhisattva may not be able to respond in time and it may become a disaster."
The below statement is posted few days before the incident.
"I think this are sign of karma unraveling again.
Be very careful of 六月飞霜。"
It was a very close shave for SQ but unfortunately, MH did not make it.
But somehow many things that string together recently don't spell good in this Hungry Ghosts period :-
(1) Ukraine Air Tragedy & the continuing civil war in Ukraine - 1 hotspot
(2) Israel & Hama conflict escalation & Iraq & Syria civil war - 2nd hotspot
(3) Mers virus turning airborne
(4) Ebola virus epidemic
(5) 1st Blubonic virus in China
(6) 2013 adverse climatic condition record
(7) Formation of terror hub in middle of Middle East
All signs of (小三灾) manifesting in the Hungry Ghosts period.
The only consolation is the Asia Pacific hotspot has quiet down.
The Zen :- "六月飞霜" ----- 农历六月, 飞机一双 - Lunar 6 months - dual flying planes.
MH got hit, SQ escape.
Now do people still think a Living Bodhisattva - (is mistaken as mental condition) - where in fact are visions and insights through Concentration and Mindfulness?

Tanat • Report Abuse
Please keep your sensitive, nonsensical posts elsewhere and fark off from here, thanks!!
Guided By Voices • Report Abuse
I thought only Chinese spirits descended down to planet earth during HGF to feed on cakes, oranges and Char Kuays on pavements - probably God didn't fed them enough up there - or inhaling smoke from burnt notes. Didn't know HGF could even influence the Ang Mos' Ukraine war and bring about the Middle East and African viruses. HGF is much more Internationalized that I thought. Thanks for highlighting.
Dante • Report Abuse
@ Ricky: it's '霜', not '双', you idiot.
Maybe you like to 'mix up' your mom with your aunt, and look for her tits when wanting to drink milk.
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