Earth Is On The Cusp Of A Sixth Mass Extinction

ricky l • Remove
When Animal realm reign supreme, Dinosaurs dominate Earth at the expense of other living things.Reply
Now when Human realm reign supreme, Animals becoming the sacrifical lambs dominated by Humans - thus resulted in mass extinction of many species of Animals.
Human's inherent 3 evil roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Hatred/Anger, Greed/Attachment has bring about the outcome of the many mass extinction as human population grows eg :-
- Mass deforestation - that ruin the environment in which many animal species dwell in
- Runaway demands that are depleting Earth resources
- Infighting, civil war to fight for more resources, wealth at the expense of others instead of striving for win-win solution
- Conflict and war between Countries to fight for more resources, wealth at the expense of others instead of striving for win-win solution
As a result, all the above will lead to the manifestation of 小三灾 fuel by our human inherent 3 evil roots of Ignorance of the Universal Law, Greed/Attachment, Hatred/Anger - which are in effect the negative karma that Human realm will reap.
Deforestation and runaway demand - deplete Earth resources & will lead to adverse Climatic Conditions - that will impact the Environment Humans are living in - and eventually contribute to natural catastrophe of typhoon, hurricane, hot weather that will impact food crops yield, etc - and may lead to Human extinction.
Civil war, war between Countries, territorial disputes resulted in wars, terrorism - may lead to Human extinction.
Adverse climatic conditions will also lead to many viruses, diseases epidemic that also threaten Human survival.
Thus all the more Human shall reduce and eradicate the Human's inherent 3 evil roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Hatred/Anger, Greed/Attachment - so as not to inherit negative karma - that will threat Human lives.
Human shall learn to grow Human's 3 inherent wholesome roots of NO-SELF, COMPASSION & PANNA WISDOM - to earn POSITIVE KARMA - that will bring more PEACE & HAPPINESS to HUMAN and make Human live well and better on Earth.
Human shall also take care of animal species that will help to make to preserve the Earth Ecology and make the Environment better for Human dwelling in Earth.
ricky l • Remove
The World Economic System that preach market competition and brew runaway demand with no regard to whether Earth resources can sustain Human needs now and in the future also need to look into - so that future generations can still have Earth resources to sustain their lives.
And what is needed is some form of International Cooperation of Planned Economy - to ensure Earth resources are sustainable without too much wastage - and ensure every Countries can sustain themselves Economically and feed their people and give them a mean to earn a living with reasonable income - so as to eradicate poverty.
Only then can Human be assured to stretch themselves to live longer on Earth without leading to Human Extinction.
UN and World Bodies will play a very critical roles to ensure this.
Regional trade blocs, WTO etc will also play critical roles to ensure this.
Unless Humans and Countries are willing to cooperate to work for Peace, Prosperity in Win-Win solutions - Human extinction will not be a near possibility.
ricky l • Remove
This is what United Nation, World Bodies and Government of Each Country shall do (in International Relationships and in Governing their Own Country) :-
自度,度人,(上度,横度,下度), 利己,利人, 是大乘之法。
销灾,解难, 灭苦,灭执, (救苦,救难) 是菩提大愿。
当政者有此 慈悲,智慧,无我 之心,那有不受人民爱戴拥附之理。
ricky l • Remove
What i am try to say is that :-
(1) Market economy and market competition is good to reward enterprising and hard work and keep price down for products and services.
(2) But Raw Market Economy and market competition - has no boundary and circumference - as it has no regard to whether Earth Resources can continue to sustain Human lives for our next generation and future generations by keeping burning away Earth Resources - as there are no boundary.
Thus, there must be a boundary and circumference to contain runaway burning of Earth Resources - due to runaway and unsatisable demand - to ensure Earth Resources are not depleted unnecessarily and lead to unnecessary wastage.
Thus some sort of Planned Economy like International Cooperation will be required - to ensure future generations will still have Earth Resources to live on it.
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