Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Family disconnect 'drives young Singaporeans to suicide'

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Parents should attempt to regularly talk to their children to understand how they are getting along and to catch signs that they are bothered by events they could not managed - and help them out of the difficult situations.

Only through effective communications and show concern and care for their children - can then reduce suicidal tendencies among youth.

There are signs that show that their child are suicidal - eg. the way they talk, the things they do etc - are some tell-tale signs - and should detect it early so that remedy actions can be taken before it is too late.

Anyway disagree with the statement :-
"Despite a virtually full employment rate, " - where many matured Singaporean PMETs and Workers still cannot secured a job.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Wonder any unemployed contribute to the suicidal rate - when they got no income to feed themselves and their families - especially where they are sole bread winners.

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