Thursday, July 31, 2014

Singapore risks business cred with foreign labour restrictions

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
I think when we are attracting foreign investors to our shore, we are looking for a Win-Win solutions in the investments.

(1) Foreign Investors - will have opportunity to find business in our environment and make profit from it - through our favorable tax policies, good infrastructure, good access to our market as well as to regional market - and thus earn good profit and good revenue.
By doing so Foreign Investors should also provide jobs to Singaporeans, contribute to Singapore's GDP - by fulfilling their side of the bargain.

Only then there will be a "Win-Win" solution.

Only then Singapore will welcome Foreign Investors to our shore - being a responsible foregin investors.

If a foreign investor want to reap all benefits for themselves - and do not want to provide jobs to local Singaporeans - thus posing political difficulty to Singapore, then Singapore should not attract this type of foreign investors - but should actively scout and source for those foreign investors that want to strive for "Win-Win" solution - by earning their profit but also provide jobs to local Sinaporean and contribute to Singapore GDP.

Thus we  need to be selective in attracting foregin investors - not one that bring in full load of foreign workers at the expense of Singaporeans and strain our infrastructure and create tension in our Society.

Singaporeans should be given priority first for jobs - and only when Singaporeans got their jobs, then should consider open up to foreigners to supplement the workforce.

Not the other way round, foreginers first for job in our Country while Singaporeans are marginalised and stay unemployed for a long time despite with the relevant skillsets and experienced.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Whether Democratic countries nor any other political systems - providing jobs to their Citizens is the top priorities - because it will ensure political, social and economic stability and foster prosperity.

Political Stability - Citizens have jobs - they can raise their family, they will be supportive of the Government.

Social Stabilty - Citizens have jobs - will not cause social tension.

Economic Stability - will lead to Consumer spendings - will contribute to the GDP and create multiplier effect. With higher GDP, higher budget surplus, more infrastructure development.

So who in the right mind - are not expecting foreign investors to help to provide jobs to Citizens - but come here to reap all the benefits of good profits, favorable tax, access to market - but yet bring in foreign workers - and kick Singaporeans out of jobs - ie. have both the cake and eat it?

Then we will not want this type of foreign investors - and we should look for responsible foreign investors who know the rule of the games.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Maybe to spread the risk on foreign investments - should attract other foreign investors from China, Latin America, and other investors that have the dollars willing to share our philosophy of investments. 
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Eg. Singapore can attract :-
(1) IT companies like :-
- China Alibaba
- Huawei
- Use more open sources like linux server, openoffice, etc,

(2) Banks from China are cash rich
Banks from Latin America like Brazil

etc to replace those IT and banks foreign investors who want to move off-shore.

Always good not to put all eggs in one basket - must try to spread the investment risk.         
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Also there are so many type of cloud platforms - not necessary stick to the usual traditional cloud providers.

    We can easily build our cloud infrastructure - and then market to companies station here to use our cloud infrastructure.

  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    New MOM department to probe discrimination complaints
    Published on Jul 31, 2014 8:13 PM

    The Manpower Ministry (MOM) has set up a new department to probe complaints that bosses prefer foreigners instead of Singaporeans. -- PHOTO: ST FILE

    By Toh Yong Chuan

    SINGAPORE - The Manpower Ministry (MOM) has set up a new department to probe complaints that bosses prefer foreigners instead of Singaporeans.

    The Fair Consideration Department, headed by a director-level senior official, will also "engage firms across different industry sectors to better understand their human resource practices and efforts to develop Singaporeans professionals, executives and managers (PMEs)", the ministry said in a blog post on Thursday.

    It made the announcement one day before new rules kick in on Friday, which require firms to consider Singaporeans for PME jobs before hiring foreigners. They are required to advertise in a government-run national jobs bank before they can apply for employment passes for foreigners to fill the vacancies.

    The new rules, called the Fair Consideration Framework, is part of a broader move by the MOM to ensure that Singaporeans are given fair employment, promotion and training opportunities. It comes on the back of a slow-down in the inflow of foreign workers after Singaporeans complained that foreigners are taking away good-paying PME jobs from locals.

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    The above reports demonstrate that our hospitality has been exploited and manipulated.

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Eg. when our companies invested in Foreign Countries like US, Australia, China etc - did we not employ their local workers and provide their local jobs?

    Yes we did, we did not bring whole load of Singaporeans into their Countries and take away the local jobs as a responsible local investors - in return we are given access to their market and earn our profit.

    Same thing here, when foreign investors invest here, we expect them to reciprocate - by earning profits and access to the market - but give Singaporeans jobs - not bring the whole chink gang of foreign workers and take away the jobs from Singaporeans. 
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    This is the Win-WIn deal from Foreign Investment - and not what is reported by this Yahoo article - threaten to move offshore - the moment we want to provide jobs to Singaporeans who are unemployed or who did not get a fair share of opportunities to the good paying jobs - but are given to foreigners due to discrimination right in our Land. 

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    During our earlier years of Nation Building, where at that time PM Lee Kuan Yew - year after year - in National Day Rally and in periodic news - will always emphasize good jobs - good pay - good standard of living.

    This has always the winning formula for the Government.

    This formula must never be forgotten.

    And definitely, we must not play into the hands of foreigner investors - who only have their profit in mind - but does not want to care about Singaporeans well being here - and derail our Successful Formula. 

    Singapore risks business cred with foreign labour restrictions

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    There are still many available skilled and experience Singaporeans PMETs and Workers looking for jobs - but could not get one.
    • ricky l
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      ricky l • a second agoRemove
      Eg. Hi-Tech IT companies need professionals with :-

      (1) Network infrastructure knowledge - like routers; L2, L3 network switches; security like VRF, VLAN, VPN IPSec, SSL VPN, IPS, firewall, NAT, NAC - network admission control, Radius, remediation; Wirelss LAN, Servers, NOS etc;

      (2) Cloud Computing - IAAS, virtualisation, VM (Virtual Machines), SDN (Software Defined Network), NSX platform, VXLAN, BYOD, VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) SAN, SAN Storage, Hadoop, Fibre Channel, FCOE, NMS (Network Management System), ITSM, etc.

      (3) Data Centre facilities, hosting, Tier 3 DC etc.

      Singaporeans can do, got knowledge (not only foreigners got talent and knowledge) ... only Singaporeans cannot find jobs.
    • ricky l
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      ricky l • a second agoRemove
      Singaporean no skillset meh?
      Eg. just to "how lian" a bit :-

      router bgp 300
      neighbor remote-as 100
      neighbor route-map localhost in
      neighbor route-map localhost out
      neighbor password xxxxxxx
      neighbor version 4
      neighbor weight 100

      rd 100:1
      ip vrf vrf-lite-1
      rd 100:2
      ip vrf vrf-lite-2
      int fa0/0.10
      encapsulation dot1q 10
      ip vrf forwarding vrf-lite-1
      ip add
      int fa0/0.20
      encapsulation dot1q 20
      ip vrf forwarding vrf-lite-2
      ip add

      vtp mode transparent
      vlan 2
      name vlan2
      mtu 1500
      vlan 3
      name vlan3
      mtu 1500
      int range fa1/2 - 5
      switchport mode access
      switchport access vlan 2
      speed 100
      duplex full
      storm-control broadcast level 20 10
      mac-address 1000.2322.1322
      max-reserved-bandwidth 50

      Talk nonsense - only foreigners got skillset meh?

      Singaporeans - no skillset meh? Not CCIE-router-switch quality meh - only foreigners can do meh?
    • ricky l
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      ricky l • a second agoRemove

      ip ips name ihowlian
      ip ips signature-category
      category viruses/worms/trojans
      alert-severity high
      enabled true
      event-action deny-attacker-inline
      event-action deny-connection-inline
      event-action deny-packet-inline
      event-action produce-alert
      event-action reset-tcp-connection
      fidelity-rating 20
      retired false

      VPN IPSEC - due to sensitivity - will not show the whole configuration - only keywords
      crypto isakmp policy ......
      crypto isakmp key ....
      access-list 100 ip permit ......
      crypto ipsec transform-set ..... ah-esp ......
      crypto map .......
      set peer .....
      set transform-set .....
      match add 100
      int serial0/0
      crypto map .....
      sh crypto ipsec sa

      Talk nonsense - only foreigners got skillset meh?

      Singaporeans - no skillset meh? Not CCIE-Security quality meh - only foreigners can do meh?
    • ricky l
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      ricky l • a second agoRemove
      - vDS (Virtual Distributed Switches)
      - VXLAN
      - Portgroup - VLAN
      - ESXi host
      - Virtual Centre
      - vSphere
      - SDN DC, NSX
      - Chargeback
      - VCD - vCloud Director
      - VCO - vCloud Orchestrator
      - VOM - VMware Operation Manager
      - vShield Manager
      - vShield Edge
      - External Network
      - Organisation External Network
      - Organisation Network Pool
      - Organisation Internal Network
      - vApp Network
      - Provider vDC
      - Organization
      - Organization vDC
      - vApp
      - VM
      - DRS Cluster
      - Resource Pool
      - Platinum, Gold, Silver
      - Multi-Tenant

      Talk nonsense - only foreigners got skillset meh?

      Singaporeans - no skillset meh? Not Cloud Computing quality meh - only foreigners can do meh?
    • ricky l
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      ricky l • a second agoRemove
      - Incident & Event Management - through Network Management System, Server Management System, Application Management System.
      - Service Desk - through Helpdesk Call Centre - VoIP - trouble-ticket
      - Problem Management - repetitive problems
      - CAB management
      - Configuration Management (include inventory management)
      - CMDB - Configuration Management Database
      - CIP - Continuous Improvement Programme

      Data Centre Tier 3
      - rack layout
      - Battery room
      - UPS, surge suppressor
      - aircon & humidity control
      - lighting
      - floor loading
      - hot aisle, cold aisle
      - electrical grounding
      - ELCB, electrical isolator
      - power generator
      - fire suppression system, heat detector, emergency exit
      - fire-rated wall, door
      - NOC - network operation centre
      - structured cabling system
      - false ceiling
      - raised floor

      Talk nonsense - only foreigners got skillset meh?

      Singaporeans - no skillset meh? - only foreigners can do meh?

      有眼不识泰山 - the moon is always brighter on the other side. Singaporens no good ?
    • ricky l
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      ricky l • a second agoRemove
      Come anyone want to take up the challenge here :-

      My record - configure all Network Data Centre equipment of about 20 devices in 1 day.

      (Normal project manager will allocate 3 to 6 months to do the configuration).

      Want to try ?

      Singaporeans no good? Talk nonsense. 
    • ricky l
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      ricky l • a second agoRemove
      Singapore risks business cred with foreign labour restrictions ?

      I think the writer should rephrase this article :-
      "Business should actively source out talented Singaporeans". 
    • ricky l
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      ricky l • a second agoRemove
      Assume a project manager allocate 6 man-months to configure all Data Centre network equipment = assume conservatively $8,000 per month x 6 = $48,000.

      Just employed one experience Singaporean professional and pay him $10,000 - to configure all the Data Centre network equipment in ONE DAY.

      The Project Manager will have a PROFIT of = $48,000 - $10,000 = $38,000.

      Singaporeans no good ??????
      Singapore risk business credibility ?????? 
    • ricky l
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      ricky l • a second agoRemove
      Still got many magic up in the sleeves -- want some more ? 
    • ricky l
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      ricky l • a second agoRemove
      Nah more exotic one :-
      - LES/BUS
      - MPOA
      - UNI
      - PNNI
      - VPI/VCI
      - NHRP
      - CAC
      - 3270 Emulation
      - CICS

      Can guess what are they?

      Singaporean no good ???????????? 
    • ricky l
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      ricky l • a second agoRemove
      Already 10 devices configure with basic configuration here - in 15 minutes.

      Singaporeans no good? 

    Sino-Japanese War still stings China 120 years later

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    China and Japan must not linger on the historic karma seeds of military confrontation and conflict - because the consequences and repercussion of any military is beyond any prudent calculation.

    It will be a miscalculation if the 2 Countries decide on military adventurism - because it will go out of control and will become a mammoth fight - that have dire consequences not only in Asia Pacific, but the whole World because :-

    (1) The 2nd and 3rd largest Economies will be negatively affected.

    (2) Even if the 2 Countries fight without drawing in other Countries - the casualties and infrastructure damage will be immense - with the arsenal of modern weaponry on both sides. It will not be a one-side damage - the damages to modern amenities that both sides sides have take many years to build up and the billions of dollars put into infrastructure development will be brought down into ashes within days or weeks, and human casaulties on both sides - will witness the blood flowing like rivers.

    (3) Travel by airplanes, commercial flight, cargo flight - will be gravely disrupted - and may even witness many MH incidents - where airplances will be shot down from the sky by fighter plane missiles, ship - anti-aircraft missiles, island mounted - SAM (surface-to-air) missiles.
    Commercial ships will be sunken by torpedos, by air-to-ship missiles, ship-to-ship missiles.
    Business, Trade, Investments will be disrupted - resulting in billions and billions of loses in World Trade ........... 惨不忍睹。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

    (4) And if draw in other SuperPowers and other Countries into the fray - the above scenarios will be manified many times - and can start declaring World War 3 - and Human Races can prepare for Mass Extinction ----- and all can say "sayonara" to the Earth.

    Call for long-term peace effort in Gaza

    Published on Jul 31, 2014 1:24 PM

    By Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono For The Straits Times

    This article is the most measured, balanced and moderate heartfelt view coming from a Muslim Indonesia Leader on the Gaza crisis.

    South Korea soldiers charged over death of conscript

    Wednesday, July 30, 2014

    Family disconnect 'drives young Singaporeans to suicide'

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Parents should attempt to regularly talk to their children to understand how they are getting along and to catch signs that they are bothered by events they could not managed - and help them out of the difficult situations.

    Only through effective communications and show concern and care for their children - can then reduce suicidal tendencies among youth.

    There are signs that show that their child are suicidal - eg. the way they talk, the things they do etc - are some tell-tale signs - and should detect it early so that remedy actions can be taken before it is too late.

    Anyway disagree with the statement :-
    "Despite a virtually full employment rate, " - where many matured Singaporean PMETs and Workers still cannot secured a job.

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Wonder any unemployed contribute to the suicidal rate - when they got no income to feed themselves and their families - especially where they are sole bread winners.
    World Ebola fears grow, with Europe and Asia on alert
    Published on Jul 30, 2014 11:21 PM

    "LONDON (AFP) - Fears that the west African Ebola outbreak could spread to other continents grew on Wednesday with European and Asian countries on alert and a leading medical charity warning the epidemic was out of control. Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said the crisis gripping Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone would only get worse and warned there was no overarching strategy to handle the world's worst-ever outbreak of the disease. Hong Kong announced quarantine measures for suspected cases, although one woman arriving from Africa with possible symptoms tested negative, while the EU said it was ready to deal with the threat. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has held talks with global health officials on potential measures to halt the spread of the disease."

    Seems like :-
    "六月飞霜" ----- 农历六月, 飞机落如 天降大风雪霜 - Lunar 6 months (Hungry Ghosts period) - is not restricted to Airplane disaster only.

    It also refer to Epidemic going airborne - and may travel all around the World.
    The intuition that "something seems to be losing control" - maybe true.
    The following posts are posted weeks back on the airline disaster. But it also seems to correspond to Ebola going airborne - and the "六月飞霜" may have another interpretation - 农历六月, 飞机载”砒霜“.

    "All these are signs of (小三灾) manifesting (in acccumulation and compounding effects) - and something seems to be losing control - ranging from 2 hotspots in Middle East, East Europe & baby hotspot in Africa. (Not so sure about Asia Pacific hotspot).
    Well let see people dismiss this as nonsense again.
    Something seems to be losing control - means the impact may cross continents. "
    MERs is suppose to be the most probable candidate for cross continents infection, but seems like the Africa baby hotspot is taking over the limelight with Ebola.

    Malaysian politicians say Scottie dogs in CWG opening ceremony 'disrespectful' to Muslims'

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Everything that exist in this Universe has a place in the Universe.

    Even the darkest Avici Hell - has its place and its role - because once the sentinent beings burnt out all its negative karma and has truly repented - one can be rebirth in Nirvana - the Eternal Bliss of No Sufferings if one attained Enlightenment.

    This is Mutually Inclusiveness of Universal Law of Dharma.

    No one, no beings in the Universe is excluded in the Final Salvation.
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    This is the attribute of OmniBenevolence or the Great Compassion of Universal Law - Mutual Inclusiveness - not Exclusiveness.

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove

    The historian William Montgomery Watt states that Muhammad's kindness to animals was remarkable given the social context of his upbringing. He cites an instance of Muhammed, while traveling with his army to Mecca in 630 CE, posting sentries to ensure that a female dog and her newborn puppies were not disturbed.[22] On the other hand, in a tradition found in the Sunni hadith book al-Muwatta, Muhammad is reported as saying that the company of dogs voids a portion of a Muslim’s good deeds.[23] However, in "two separate narrations by Abu Hurayrah, the Prophet told his companions of the virtue of saving the life of a dog by giving it water and quenching its thirst. One story referred to a man who was blessed by Allah for giving water to a thirsty dog, the other was a prostitute who filled her shoe with water and gave it to a dog, who had its tongue lolling out from thirst. For this deed she was granted the ultimate reward, the eternal Paradise under which rivers flow, to live therein forever."[24]

    According to a Sunni narration classified as authentic by Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj, black dogs are a manifestation of evil in animal form;[25] Khaled Abou El Fadl states that the majority of scholars regard this to be "pre-Islamic Arab mythology" and "a tradition to be falsely attributed to the Prophet".[26]

    Another tradition attributed to Muhammad commands Muslims not to trade or deal in dogs.[27] The Hanafi school, however – the largest school of ritual law in Sunni Islam – dismisses this claim and permits dog trading.[citation needed]

    Many Muslim jurists consider dogs to be ritually unclean. (najis)[28] However, "jurists from the Sunni Maliki School disagree with the idea that dogs are unclean."[29] Individual fatāwā ("rulings") have indicated that dogs be treated kindly or otherwise released[30] and earlier Islamic literature often portrayed dogs as symbols of highly esteemed virtues such as self-sacrifice and loyalty, which, in the hands of despotic and unjust rulers, become oppressive instruments.[28]

    Abou El Fadl "found it hard to believe that the same God who created such companionable creatures would have his prophet declare them 'unclean', stating that animosity towards dogs "reflected views far more consistent with pre-Islamic Arab customs and attitudes".[31] Furthermore, "he found that a hadith from one of the most trustworthy sources tells how the Prophet himself had prayed in the presence of his playfully cavorting dogs."[31]

    Dogs in the Qurʼān[edit]

    The Qurʼān contains three mentions of dogs:
    Verse 5:4 says "Lawful for you are all good things, and [the prey] that trained [hunting] dogs and falcons catch for you."
    Verse 7:176 says that if you drive a dog away, it lolls out its tongue, panting, but if you leave it alone, it lolls out its tongue anyhow.
    Verse 18:18 describes the Companions of the Cave, a group of saintly young men presented in the Qurʼān as exemplars of religion, sleeping with "their dog stretching out its forelegs at the threshold." Further on, in verse 22, the dog is always counted as one of their number, no matter how they are numbered. In Muslim folklore, affectionate legends have grown around the loyal and protective qualities of this dog, whose name in legend is Qiṭmīr.[32][33][34]

    Trained hunting dogs and the dog of the Companions of the Cave are described in a positive light, and the companionship of these dogs is mentioned with approval. The Qurʼān thus contains not even a hint of the condemnation of dogs found in certain ḥadīths.[35] 

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    In Islam, the Qur'an strongly enjoins Muslims to treat animals with compassion and not to abuse them.[citation needed] All creatures are believed to praise God, even if this praise is not expressed in human language.[1][2] 

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
     Ar-Rahman (الرحمن)  The All-Compassionate
     Ar-Rahim (الرحيم)  The All-Merciful
     Al-Khaliq (الخالق)  The Creator
     Al-Wahhab (الوهاب)  The Giver of All
     Al-Wadud (الودود)  The Loving One
     Al-Wahid (الواحد)  The One, the All Inclusive, The Indivisible
     As-Samad (الصمد)  The Satisfier of All Needs

    How can any beings be left out?
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Even if the beings are lesser beings than Human.

    How can any beings be left out - under the Universal Law of OmniBenevolence, Great Compassion and Mutual Inclusiveness? 

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    The interpretation of holy teachings should be anchor on the Human 3 wholesome inherent roots of:-
    (1) No-Self
    (2) Compassion - Mutual Inclusiveness
    (3) Panna Wisdom

    and should not be anchor on the Human 3 unwholesome inherent roots of:-
    (1) Ignorance of Universal Law - result in wrong interpretation of holy teachings
    (2) Greed / Attachment to wrong views - result in narrow interpretation of holy teachings.
    (3) Hatred / Anger - result in bringing out unwholesome outcome from wholesome holy teachings.

    This mark the difference between Moderates vs Extremists. 
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    And if the True Spirit and True Value of :-

     Ar-Rahim (الرحيم)  The All-Merciful
     As-Salam (السلام)  The Source of Peace
     Al-Ghaffar (الغفار)  The Forgiving
     Al-Ghafur (الغفور)  The Forgiver and Hider of Faults
     Al-Wadud (الودود)  The Loving One

    have been truly understood and truly internalise, all the conflicts in Middle East - whether Sunni vs Shitte, Muslim vs Other Religions conflicts will not arise anywhere in the World.

    Islam is then truly a Peaceful Religion - having truly understood the True Values of the Holy Teachings (not the literal interpretaion). 
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    And the chopping of the adversaries' heads, torture, cruelty - will never arise - as it is the greatest sin committed to mankind. 

    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Holiness - is associated with Spiritual well beings for their followers and for others, preaching Peace and Harmony for themselves and for others - hence "Holiness" - "I am OK, You are OK".

    Evilness - is the opposing pole of Holiness - associated with Self-Centredness - at the expense of their followers and others - to achieve their Self-Centred objectives - by preaching Exploitation, Manipulation - using Violence, Murder, Suicide, Harming the Society of their followers and others - hence "Devil" - "I am OK, You are not OK - is OK for me".

    Holiness is anchor on 3 Wholesome Inherent Roots of Human :-
    (1) No-Self
    (2) Compassion - Mutual Inclusiveness
    (3) Panna Wisdom

    Evilness is anchor on the Human 3 unwholesome inherent roots of:-
    (1) Ignorance of Universal Law & Self-Centredness - result in wrong or deliberate skewed interpretation of holy teachings to serve their selfish gain.
    (2) Greed / Attachment to wrong views - result in narrow interpretation of holy teachings.
    (3) Hatred / Anger - result in bringing out unwholesome outcome from wholesome holy teachings.