Monday, November 11, 2013

Telcos may have to maintain two sets of mobile network equipment


Quote: "But Mr Yaacob said a second, fully diversified network would have to be completely separate from existing infrastructure, and would be more expensive to build than the Next Generation National Broadband Network"

Helloooo Mr Yaacob, there's SingPower's network of power distribution cables ALREADY in place. We understand that a certain someone is no longer in charge of SingTel and so there's no longer any need to protect SingTel's monopoly to THAT extent.

Babe  PikuChoo

Powerline are not scalable using electrical cables to drive broadband.

Also, international bodies such as IEEE, IETF are not working on it to make it scalable.

Especially with 10Gbps - now to 40Gbps and 100Gbps that can be driven by fiber - through GPON, MetroEthernet and Enterprise Ethernet, DWDM - are much more scalable. International bodies such as IEEE and IETF are actively promoting this.

So what for committing heavy investment on powerline while it is doom for obsolescence like ATM - the real solid heavyweight network dinosaur - that provide the real QoS vs the current Gigabit Ethernet?  Real Qos like - CBR (Constant Bit Rate), VBR-rt (Variable Bit Rate - real time), VBR-nrt (Variable Bit Rate - non-real time), ABR etc.

Powerline is no where near ATM.

ATM even promise connection-oriented, LANE (LAN Emulation), LES, Bus, LECS, MPOA (MultiProtocol over ATM), PNNI, CAC, RSVP, etc

Which are so readily copied by Gigabit Ethernet (which is non-deterministic using CSMA/CD) – to adopt its QoS, connection-oriented – by using MPLS, tag switching, link aggregation, etherchannel, uplinks to emulate ATM’s PVC, SVC, PNNI and UNI etc.

Powerline – is a kindergarten compare to Gigabit Ethernet – maybe qualify as Degree or the most Master. ATM is the PhD – the king of network technology.

Those who know ATM – easily know GE.

So why ATM Forum defunct and dump ATM since ATM is so solid. Precisely ATM is so solid because of its weight, too complex, too sophisticated, too deep - until it become too complex to configure, to bring it up, to maintain it, to fine-tune - that the whole World industry run short of engineers who are knowledgable to maintain the ATM network - that World IT body junk ATM in favour of Gigabit Ethernet - which are considered less complex as compared to ATM.

Only then CCIE, CCNP, CCNA etc start to thrive to design and configure Gigabit Ethernet network and IP routing and IP switching as oppose to ATM cell switching.

Powerline can configure for all the above features meh?

So why use Powerline ?

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