Thursday, November 21, 2013

N. Korea threatens 'sea of fire' for S. Korea president HQ

Both sides should exercise restraint and should reduce provocation.

Promoting Special Economic Zones business and investment is a more productive ways for Peace and Prosperity.

However, the conditions for business and investment to survive and thrive are that peaceful and business facilitation must exist and environment must be conducive for business and investment to do well.

Businessmen need to be assured the investment money they pour in reap profits & benefits not only themselves but also North Korea ie. There must be mutual benefits for Special Economic Zones to succeed.

I think most important thing is that as Special Economic Zones attempt to attract business and investment, difficult and thorny issue that is at the heart of International Community that will surface will be the Nuclear issue.

Mentally prepared the Nuclear issue will surface and resolution will be necessary in order for the Special Economic Zones to be successful.

Special Economic Zones success has many precedents starting from China which are so successful, follow by Vietnam whose Economy is also taking upward flight. But the conditions for success is Peace and support from International Community.

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