Tuesday, November 26, 2013

China's aircraft carrier heads to South China Sea

The sudden escalation of military activities immediately after the Iran nuclear initial deal - maybe a reflection and manifestation of insecurity - because the next will be the North Korea nuclear negotiation - the traditional ally that cover the backdoor.

This could be due to many internal and external threats actual or perceived one that China maybe facing:-

No 1 - Economic restructuring - Economy is a traditional stronghold of China that make their people happy. But now Economy is undergoing restructuring - will have displaced many people. Eg. 1 million graduates without a job etc = will become a social pressure.

No 2 - The role of social media, the travelling PRC Chinese that have tour many parts of the World and have seen more open political and economic system. This will unconsciously form political and social pressure on the incumbent Governor.

No 3 - The strong export market no longer the Economic driver, the manufacturing that drive the Economy is moving to lower cost manufacturing base, the foreign investment is slowing - all these have an Economic impact to China - and China need to transform quickly to have more entrepreneurship, more consumer-based driven Economy rather than export-driven, moving to Service sector rather than depending entirely on Manufacturing - have become a pressure point on the Government.

No 4 - China's Communist Political System is both good and bad like the World Democratic System - where the Good for Communist System is the Bad for the Democratic System and where the Bad for the Communist System is the Good for the Democratic System.

Communist System being a 1 Party system - can plan long term for Political, Economic, Social, Security etc policies - and will not need to chop and change depending on which party win the election.

But the Bad is - the Political System is not elected by the people and thus policies will not take into consideration of the people as the first priority as the Political System can survive without the people's vote. The policies will unconsciously favor the Political Party than the people. That is, the Political Party are not given mandate by the people - and this will result in discontentment and social pressure.

Democracy - very difficult to plan long term if different political parties keep changing hand. Will be bad for the country - especially if resulted in a deadlock government.

The Good is - Government is elected by the people, thus policies will benefit people to win votes. Also the Government has the mandate from the people.

No 5 - Japan (haiz) ... has been antagonizing China - trigger by change in the status of the disputed island - where it touch the raw nerves of China - in which her long history is fraught with "external forces" invading or occupying her territory. Japan, the closet neighbour of China inflict the most horrendous sufferings on China - although this is done by Japanese ancestor, the anger will still be directed to the Japanese descendants (for the most fundamental fact that - Japanese descendants have NOT REPENTED from their ancestors' wrongdoing, and in fact rub salt on the wound by rattling China's nerve of disputed island).

If Japan is willing to erect the Hall of Repentance in the Shrine - such escalation of tension will not surface to such level. In fact this is the "Hell key" that will trigger human-made catastrophe - that if not careful will transform into World War 3 - the continuation of perceived unfinished vengeance war from World War 2. (This is the Paranormal vision that have surface every year from the WW2 deceased as well as Supramundane vision - that see a big fight between the 2 Economic Asian Giants --- just hopefully this will not happen if there is a change of hearts. And hopefully many countries will not be drawn in into this war.

Because the Supramundane Vision - see this as end of the World - where the fight suppose to start end 2012 - but now procastinate and surface again now.

Otherwise, out of a sudden, China would not have suddenly undertake such a drastic and extreme drive - to be offending so many Countries in the World.

Usually, there are internal and external threat that could be threatening internal stability.

Actually Japan hold the "KEY" to diffuse this crisis --- just like Japan started the "HELL KEY" during World War 2.

This is the Supramundane Vision and the Paranormal Vision --- it is not a Joke !!!

They forgot to mention the accompanying submerged vessels alongside and astern of the carrier. Unseen power used....

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        No One SuperPower can take on the World - unilaterally, militarily.
        Not USA.
        Not Russia.
        Not China.
        Not Japan either.
        Better not project oneself as SuperPower to take on the World.
        Should learn from the philosophy of 叶问 in the movie.
        Chinese kungfu comprise of humbleness and 武德。
        Not a display of Supremacy.
        A formidable fighter - no matter how formidable cannot stand up to challenge the world - and proclaim invincible.
        Nazi has tried it and fail.
        Japanese Imperial Army has tried it and fail.

        Simple, I don't want China to get bullied by others.
        Nor do I want China to bully others.

          There is an unknown force that is super duper hyper?

        • If you are a Singaporean, you should provide wholesome advice to your friend - and try not to coax him into something that is catastrophe.
        • 损友 will coax your friend to fight - and give him the false view = that you are strong and mighty - go ahead to hammer others.

            • Real friends will coax your friend to resolve problems with more wholesome means.

            • People with new found power often over-estimate themselves and try something adventurous - eventually get themselves burn as well.

            Middle East people have Wisdom to know that Peace is so valuable to them after so many years of fighting - survive and try to get their act together to make peace for themselves.

            I hope you don't act smart to bring destruction while sitting on the long found peace.

            I surely wish I am that influential. What we talk here makes no difference. There are hotter talk in other forums.

            Well need not be influential. 
            What is important is talk sense.
            No matter how unimportant a person is - as long as he talk sense, people will listen and do the right thing.

            If you ask the most influential President or King or Emperor to talk - you see what will happen. Temper will flare more.
            But a nobody who talk sense - may have a better effect - because nobody lose face.

            Other forum can talk - talk to fight lor. But when the missiles, bombs and bullets start to fly straight at their face - see whether they will talk ya ya or not.

            Or when bombs start to bomb their homes, their loved ones, their properties - let see they will still talk like Superman or not.

            If only some of our local leaders listen to our reasons or sense, that will be the day. No more need be said about people far far away.


            Yah people far far away, even if the fight never come here, trade will be disrupted.
            Our investment up there will be gone.
            Tourism gone.
            Airfreight, commercial ship all disrupted.

            The Whole World Economy - which are so fragile will plummet.

            There are more than 1 trillion $ of business in Asia Pacific - and imagine let 2 or more parties - plummet the Whole World into chaos ?

            Business will be gone, massive job lost will follow suit - it will be chaotic to the World if 2 biggest Asia Economies fight.

            This is really crazy.
            I already say OmniPotent = 魔。Never fall into this trap. 佛魔本是一念之差。
            attributes has no trace of OmniPotent - only No-Self, Compassion and Panna Wisdom.

            attributes are Omnipotent, Self/Ego.

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            You mean US, Jap or South Korean submarines?

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