(Mundane Human may not fully understand this text)
Exact scenario during 911. The incident repeat itself.
At that time, terrorists attack WTC in US.
This time, it is cyber terrorists attacking us.
Tell a story of how this is related to 11 Sep 2001 - a story of Bambiyan Buddha statutes in Afghanistan - and how Al-Qaeda and Taliban and US - karma fate are tie together.
As this story is told here, loud thunder roar in unison as the story is unfold here.
------ all sensitive texts deleted ............... ----------------
The heavy negative karma was immediately planted and will manifest that will bring tremendous tragedy to Afghanistan as well as the mastermind.
(Because the lineage of religions is :-
Hinduism -> Buddhism -> Christianity (through Jesus - who is acutally a Bodhisattva that practise under the coaching of 2 Buddhist Arahats) -> Islam.
Buddhism -> Taoism -> Mahayana Buddhism
All the religions are aligned to "Universal Law".
The heavy negative karma was immediately planted and will manifest that will bring tremendous tragedy to Afghanistan as well as the mastermind.
(Because the lineage of religions is :-
Hinduism -> Buddhism -> Christianity (through Jesus - who is acutally a Bodhisattva that practise under the coaching of 2 Buddhist Arahats) -> Islam.
Buddhism -> Taoism -> Mahayana Buddhism
All the religions are aligned to "Universal Law".
Duriing 911, 11 Sep 2001, the heavy negative karma unfold. During that faithful day, Osama’s agent penetrate into US, take a few commercial planes hostages and ram it into US NY buildings and some other buildings.
The events shock the World, and one terrible thing happen in Singapore as well.
(1) GDC network also went down during 911 (almost like similar incidents we experience in 511 now – where technical glitches happen – under the same scenario) – the Government email communication immediately was cut off.
(2) There was an immediate fear that Singapore Government Information Infrastructure was under attack as well by the same group in US NY.
(3) Only after investigation, reveal the same problem – technical glitches.
If Yahoo have stored the archive of all the Singapore Yahoo Board on all the discussions and postings will have a full picture of how all this "supramundane events unfold and link together". (That is all religions when piece together - are basically zigsaw puzzle that are aligned to the same Universal Law. Only by doing so, World Peace can be achieved).
Now in 5 Nov 2013, 511 - GDC experience similar technical glitches.
Also related to someone who can "see" similar insights and tell the story.
But this time, we are experiencing the threat of "cyber terrorists" - that threaten to hack our websites.
Cannot be too explicit in many of the details linking everything together - but those who have all the details will be able to see the complete picture.
Important to put the right zig at the right place doing the right thing - so that the whole zigsaw puzzle is complete and the whole picture emerge.
天时,地利,人和 - must be all presence before everything will fall in place like a zigsaw puzzle and everything go on smoothly (and will not chip apart or fall apart).
If all policies, all measures and everything possible are put in place Humanly possible like fulfilling 地利,人和 - and yet sometimes things still chip apart or fall apart - then it means 天时 is still not in its right place - causing things to chip apart or fall apart - sometimes with unexplainable phenonmenon.
天时 - is ZEN (Supramundane) - that can be "seen" or "insights" or "vision" or "feel" or "unexplainable knowledge" known by Attained Beings - and only when done will ensure everything go on smoothly without any hiccups - and become a non-event.
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