Friday, November 15, 2013

Offensive verse of popular army marching song banned

Hate verse when repeated thousand times - can transform a person to be hateful because it will imprint into a person's mind and transform his heart.

That why history if not repented but continuously replay will have the same effect - it will brew hatred.
Human are made up of 2 parts :-

(1) The 3 evil roots - Hatred/Anger, Greed/Attachment to wrong view, Ignorance of the Universal Law.

(2) The 3 wholesome roots - Compassion, No-Self, Panna Wisdom.

The idea is to grow the wholesome roots and eradicate or suppress the evil roots - and not do the reverse to suppress the wholesome roots and grow the evil roots.

It is a herd mentality - and it will spread unwittingly.

For eg. youth in schools or NS may think is fun or cool to spew vulgar language when stress. But once they step out into the society, their splatter of vulgar languages will be spewed out when they are stress. It become innate in them. It will take deliberate and great conscious efforts to eradicate it.

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