With growing Economic strength, and with
fear of North Korea opening up to International Community if the nuclear issue
is resolved (that traditional play a role in covering China’s backdoor) –
making China’s backdoor wide open – China will sharply react – like what she is
doing now – a very sharp “knee jerk reaction” – as she perceived her “security”
will be threatened.
Thus to resolve the issue of Korean
Peninsula nuclear issue, will have to be handle delicately.
Both Koreas’ interest.
China’s interest.
US’s interest.
Russia’s interest.
Japan’s interest.
All interests will have to be balanced.
Middle East experiences in settling deals are invaluable and can be used here.
Adding to the interest, is US has strategic
defense alliance with many Allies and Partners in this region and US will act
if Allies’ interest are threatened.
This is a more complicated dealing as
compare to the Middle East’s issue – as all SuperPowers’ interest congregate in
the Korea Peninsula.
So Good Luck – handle with care !!!