To some people, if you try to reason with them, they will think you are weak, and they will tramp all over you.
They had used underhand
method to nationalise the islands they knew too well that they did not own.
Their political leaders openly declared that comfort women did not exist during
the war or the Nanking massacre did not happen. Such insincerity is an
affirmation that they are going to be deceitful during negotiation. You want to
talk to such people?
The problem is both Countries eventually will get into a
big fight.
The problem is other unwilling Countries will be
unwittingly draw into this fight.
If both sides not willing to relent - how to break this
deadlock? How to break this vicious cycle of confrontation?
How to eradicate the historical karma seeds - that will
prevent future descendants from inheriting the historical karma seeds from the
ancestors and then relive the WW2 and trigger WW3?
Historical Buddha - Sakyamuni Buddha who is Supreme in
MetaPhysics and Supreme in Psychology - also is unable to convince 2 countries
- in similar hatred.
He had been able to expound discourse to stop impending
wars 3 times by convincing both Countries marching armies from starting a
battle. But He can only temporary suppress their Hatred - and not eradicate it.
On the 4th attempt, He fails because He was sicked and
aged - and unable to catch up with the advancing and stealth army with the
primary mission of avoiding the Buddha.
Both armies eventually fought and one country was invaded
and everyone was killed in the city - and the invader are vindicated.
But as the invader return to home in victory while
crossing a river, a big monsoon come causing the river to swell and swallow the
whole army.
Both armies lost.
Buddha who is so Supreme in MetaPhysics and Psychology -
was not able to eradicate the hatred of the 2 Countries, what make you think
anyone can prevent the big fight between China and Japan - other than China and
Japan themselves - with their Heart willing to resolve their historical
In Middle East, the hatred are more ingrained and the
fight is more prolong - and yet fighting parties have the Wisdom to settle
their differences and buried their past hatred.
China and Japan's hatred is only about 3 to 4 years -
originate from World War 2 - and thereafter many years of peace - and even
engage in business, travel, official exchanges, investment etc - but yet this
has not buried the hatred - and in fact explode into such sharp confrontation.
Unless both side recognise the cause and willing to take
the right medicine - to neutralise the historical karma seeds - else the
impending fight is imminent.
It is not
whether will a fight broke out or not - it is when.
Also how big the fight will be - and whether other countries will be pulled into fight - which is in fact the settle of old scores.
Also how big the fight will be - and whether other countries will be pulled into fight - which is in fact the settle of old scores.
In other words, no one can
help both China and Japan to eradicate their hatred and historical karma seeds.
Only China and Japan can help
themselves by eradicating their hatred and historical karma seeds.
If both are not willing to be
upfront about it - fight is a certainty.
big is the fight - unimaginable.
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