Sunday, November 3, 2013

Starvation, poverty, flooding, heat waves, droughts, war, disease likely to worsen with global warming: Report

Yes, this is 小三灾 the 3 disasters affecting Earth that threaten the human mankind and animal realms).

(1) Natural disasters – earthquake, tsunami, monsoon, hurricane, typhoon, volcano, tornado, cosmic explosion etc.

(2) Epidemic – virus, bacteria, mass infection etc.

(3) War – Weapons of mass destruction – nuclear, chemical, biological, conventional war, civil war, terrorism etc.

The 3 disasters occur due to karma from 3 evil roots of sentinent beings (specifically human mankind) :-

(1) Ignorance of Universal Law (痴)
(2) Hatred / Anger (嗔)
(3) Greed / Attachment to ego, wrong views (贪)


Karma has transformed from Universal Time to Earth Time - that why it come so fast and immediate.


Analyse the above does it sound pessimistic or optimistic?
Look deep into the zen.

Environment change - by the grace of our heart.
If our heart is positive - Environment change to the positive.
If our heart is negative - Environment change to the negative.

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