Thursday, November 28, 2013

NSA snooped on Islamists' porn habits: Report


All humans (albeit 6 sentinent beings) are subject to 5 Mental Aggregates - 5 sense consciousness, feelings, perception, judgement and mental formations.

Sense desire cannot be control and will arise naturally.

Only when in Jhana Samadhi - then sexual desires will be suppressed but not eradicated - that is why still in Heavenly Realm. When Jhana Samadhi weaken. recycle of rebirth will arise.

Only when in Nirvana and PariNirvana - will sexual desires be eradicated.

But as long as human or sentinent beings possess the body (a pile of garbage) - with 5 Mental Aggregates - not basked in Jhana Samadhi or Nirvana - sensual desires do arise.

Thus even Attained Enlightened Beings will still need Dharma Protectors or need to maintain Jhana states or Nirvana states to prevent sensual desires from arising.

Sensual desires will not arise only if the person is a "Robot".

Even in the Highest Heaven of Formless - Nothingness & Non-Nothingness - sensual desire still exist in the most sublime sub-conscious form - though suppress by Arupa Jhana.

In the 2nd Highest Heaven of Form - sensual desires still exist and suppress by Rupa Jhana.

In the 3rd Highest Heaven of Sensual Desire - sensual desires is enjoyed at the maxim.

Even in Supramundane Nirvana, sensual desire exists (which is a 12-Dependant Origination of Life or Adam & Eve) side-by-side with Nirvana 3-Ring Fruition - but could not penetrate the Nirvana 3-Ring Fruition in Emptiness. (Dualistic Law of Form & Formless) ( & )

This is the true Universal Law.

Thus suggest that Religious dressing should be worn in the Religious Institutions or during Religious events. (which represent State of Nirvana - Spiritual). = Religious Leaders and Monastic Life.

In secular world, maintain the secular state of dressings. (which represent the Physical Universe - Mundane - 12 Dependant Origination of Life). = Layperson.
Why mixed up the 2 - and defy the Universal Law of Dualistic Principles?

By separating the 2 - the Principles of Dualistic Principles - are in Equilibrium.

Otherwise there will not be any beings or any living things in all 10 Realms in all 10 direction Universe isn't it?

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